Monday, June 25, 2007

Pointing Out A Couple New Shamnesty Amendments

In an article by the Heritage Foundation, James Carafino summarizes a couple of new amendments to the Shamnesty Bill (Part 2). In 2005, the REAL ID Act was passed with bipartisan support, which implemented one of the 9/11 Commission's key recommendations: "It requires national standards for driver’s licenses and requires that any identity card used for a federal purpose—such as passing through a Transportation Security Administration security checkpoint before boarding a plane—be issued only to individuals who are lawfully present in the United States." This basically provides better protection against identity theft, fraud, and illegal document traffic. The Shamnesty Bill (Part 2) even mentions itself how critical these REAL ID requirements are to immigration reform, but Senators Max Baucus (Dem, MT) and Jon Tester (Dem, MT) introduced an amendment that would essentially dismantle the program.

In another nonsensical move, Senators Charles Grassley (Rep, IA), Max Baucus (Dem, MT), and Barack Obama (Dem, IL) are proposing an amendment that would prohibit the sharing of information between the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security, as well as eliminate the requirement for employers to contact the SSA when they find a "no-match" on a background check.

I have no idea how either of these amendments makes sense on any level to anyone...except to people who are trying to grant amnesty.

But, these are the things that could be signed into law if this bill moves forward. Keep up the pressure on your Senators to kill this bill! I've read that a cloture vote could be coming as early as tomorrow, so call/e-mail right away!

There's my two cents.

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