It's been a while since I've done any book recommendations, but here's a good one for you.
It is quite an experience to read Ann Coulter's stuff. I can understand why the Left literally despises Coulter, as she seems to delight in poking and prodding liberals with white-hot rhetoric and accusations. The thing that leaves them sputtering is the fact that she backs up her statements with facts, specific examples, statistics, and unassailable logic. While her tone at times gets a bit more acidic than I normally prefer, I found that I couldn't disagree with any of her points.
Godless, in particular, aims squarely between the eyes of some of the most cherished institutions of the liberal Left, obliterating their facades with cunning efficiency. It puts liberalism in the context of being a godless religion, complete with sacrements (abortion), unassailable saints (teachers), and methodology (removing God from everything, instead basing everything on evolution). To understand liberalism, this book is a must read.
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