Monday, July 21, 2008

Liberalism Revealed

I've got a ton of links speaking to the absolute foolishness and destructiveness of liberalism that I'm going to try to pass along to you in a somewhat organized fashion.  To get things started, let's take a look at the economy.

Congress is contemplating another economic stimulus package.  Have we even determined that the first one worked?  Personally, I doubt it did squat for the economy, but even if it did, it's way too soon to tell.  This one is about a third the size of the first one, so do they really think this one will have any significant effect?  And, where is this money going to come from?  What will Congress cut in order to fund this new stimulus?  Fat chance of any cuts - it'll go straight to our exploding national debt!  But, our liberals in Congress aren't worrying about trifling details like that stuff.  It's an election year, remember, and they're trying to buy the votes of ignorant Americans who want a nanny state taking care of them.

These stupid, liberal economic stunts are taking their toll on America.  One way we know for certain that America is becoming increasingly business-unfriendly is that last quarter marked the first time in 30 years that not a single private company backed by venture capital went public.  It's not a fluke, either: "even before the credit crunch began last year, initial public offerings of young companies had become rare. Venture-backed IPOs in 2005 and 2006 were far below the levels of the early 1990s, never mind the boom years that followed. A recovery in the early months of 2007 still didn't push IPO numbers anywhere close to the number of young companies being acquired by bigger, more established firms."

What does this mean?  It means that liberal regulation and taxation policies (like Sarbanes-Oxley) have made business growth and development difficult and expensive.  In the long run, that hurts American small businesses, and that hurts millions of Americans every day.

Global Warming
Speaking of hurting Americans, did you know that global warming causes kidney stones?  Remember, global warming causes literally everything, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised.  Still, in the latest deathblow to the global warming agenda -- that is, it would be a deathblow if they relied on fact and logic; since they ignore such things, I'm sure they'll happily ignore this, too -- the American Physical Society (a
measly little organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists) has reversed its stance on climate change, saying there is no consensus that humanity is causing global warming.  Previously, it had used the word 'incontrovertible' in regard to the evidence of human-induced warming.  They also took square aim at the most recent U.N. report saying man was the primary cause of global warming, pointing out numerous exaggerations and 'extensive errors'.

By continuing to peddle the hoax of global warming, High Priest Al Gore and his holy crusaders are seeking to damage the economies of advanced nations, stifle growth (i.e. jobs and development), and implement oppressive measures to reduce things they believe harm the planet.  In reality, it is the Green Church which is harming humanity through financial hardship, food shortages, lack of advancement (i.e. using DDT in Africa), and restriction of free movement. 

Also, have you heard the talk about kicking back the speed limit to 55mph to help reduce emissions from cars?  When it comes to liberal policies, remember the unintended consequences (here, here, here)...  In this case, a slower speed limit could ultimately mean people on the roads more, not less.  If we drive slower, it'll take longer to get everywhere.  Also, what about all that driving vacation commerce that would evaporate if it took 20% more time to get anywhere?  What about the 20% drop in productivity of truckers and delivery vehicles?  Liberalism at its (backward) finest.

War on Terror
Liberals and their policies are quite literally killing Americans.  Take, for example, this report about how a propaganda campaign to defend Islamic jihad is going to be launched in New York City subway tunnels by an imam who has known links to the 1993 WTC bombings and other more recent terrorist attacks.  I'm sure I don't have to point out the sheer, abject stupidity in this!  I suppose we should expect this sort of thing from the party of defeat, but then again, it is quite possible that liberals have deliberately forgotten those previous attacks.  After all, historical memory has never been the strong suit of the liberal Left.

One of the biggest liberal movements in America is feminism.  Sadly, that liberal bastion of female hope and empowerment is remaining silent in the face of radical Islam, which authorizes and encourages honor killings of women and girls.  Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch and noted Islam critic, maintains that liberal feminists are more concerned about religions fundamentalists taking away the right to get an abortion than they are about these honor killings.  Yes, honor killings are real and they do happen all over the world, even in the United States.  I've blogged about them before (here, here, here, and here); here's another one.  This is the result of liberalism - in this case, capitulation to Islam, and refusing to call out evil for what it is.  Liberalism always eventually contradicts itself because it has no central core of principles.  It merely seeks to elevate one person over another based on subjective criteria; in this case, the elevation of Islam trumps the elevation of women, and women die.  But don't worry, because Barack Obama has hired a Muslim liason; I'm sure that once Muslims realize Barack means them no harm, they'll stop killing.  After all, he is the Obamessiah, you know.

Then again, it's hard to believe that people who bash in the heads of four year old girls simply for being born a Jew -- or those who cheer the release of such pieces of human garbage -- would give up killing for even the Obamessiah.

Obama is pushing forward to finish out his troop surge in Iraq...oh, wait.  That's not right.  Obama has opposed the Iraq war for years, hasn't he?  It depends on who you ask.  If you look at his voting record and statements made before the surge was declared a major success, you'll find one of the most outspoken opponents of both the war and the surge (which, with his fellow liberals in Congress, made the mission of our troops that much more difficult).  Now, however, his website has been scrubbed clean of such politically damaging realities, and you'll get the impression that he's been for the surge all along. 
You'd think someone with 300 foreign policy advisers would be a little less transparent than that.  Regardless, revisionism like this is deadly.  This silver-tongued liar is trying to become the President, the leader of the free world, and he is doing it by mis-representing his own public record, trying to take credit for something he vehemently opposed, and by tailoring his remarks to what his audience of the moment wants to hear.  Is this who you want for President?

Barack Obama
Speaking of Obama, he did recently
name some terrorists that need to be stopped.  Problem is, he was referring to ICE agents who were enforcing American law.  Is this who you want for President?  A man who calls law enforcement agents terrorists while pledging to sit down and chat with Iran, the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism?  It is, if you have those virulently anti-American sentiments of the Left, like Obama.  And, being a good liberal, he capitalizes on that negativity for his own campaign purposes while brokering back-room deals for himself, like a sweetheart deal on his home that you and I couldn't have gotten.  Remember, a core belief of liberals is that there is one set of rules for them, and another set of rules for the peons like you and me.

But what about his message of change and hope?  Well, Thomas Sowell points out that, in regard to Barack Obama, facts seem to be obsolete.  The proposals Obama puts forward are straight out of the decades-old liberal playbook of expanding government and creating dependents out of Americans.  But, a good liberal is never one to let facts get in the way of a noble-sounding platitude.  One might call it lying, and Barack Obama is supremely good at that.  James Lewis flays Barack Obama on his lying ways:

On Iraq, he's was agin' it before, but he's for it now On Iran, he's was for it before, and agin' it now  On FISA terrorist surveillance, he just voted for what the hysterical Left has convinced itself to be a Nazi attack on civil rights On Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, he's danced about that one half a dozen times, always ending up on a different side.  But liberal Jews will still vote for him, because they hate George W. Bush more than they love reality. 

Obama is going to attack John McCain from the right, believe it or not, figuring that the Sucker Vote will fall for it. And he might be right.

So when is Obama not lying? When you catch him unawares. He wasn't lying in his San Francisco sneers for the white voters of Pennsylvania.   He wasn't lying when he said everybody (except Obama) should learn Spanish. He wasn't lying when he was riffing about a jazz-based Black identity curriculum to fix all the education problems of the inner city. He wasn't lying when he said that Iran is just a "tiny country" (it isn't) that poses no threat to the US (it does). He was just riffin' free like a rock guitar player in all those cases,  just out of the inspiration of the moment, but he wasn't lying.

The only time Obama isn't lying is when he's speaking off the cuff, or in private.  What does it say about someone who says and does the right thing only because other people are watching?  Again: is this who you want for President?  Don't forget, Barack Obama is the most liberal person in the Senate.  He embodies liberalism - deceitful, harmful, and disastrous.

Generally Speaking
That's Obama, but how about some more general liberalism?  I once
blogged that the Democrat party is the party of 'GET OUT', meaning that if you don't toe the line precisely, you get the boot.  Joe Lieberman didn't toe the party line when it came to the war, so they booted him.  He became an Independent, though he still attended primarily Democrat gatherings (caucuses and such).  Now, he's contemplating speaking at the GOP convention in September, and the Democrat party has threatened to kick him out of their gatherings altogether!  Keep in mind that this is the man who was the Democrat Vice Presidential nominee just four years ago!  For being known as the party of inclusion and tolerance, they don't do much in the way of inclusion and tolerance, do they?

It's amazing, too, the hypocrisy on the liberal Left when it comes to the Supreme Court.  Those justices walk on water when they make up things in the Constitution (like a right to an abortion, or a right for terrorists to have legal representation, or a right for the government to take land away simply for the purposes of making more tax revenue), but when that same court decides something they don't like -- that the 2nd amendment guarantees American citizens the right to own a gun -- they simply ignore it.  Once again...liberals don't bother with things like facts and reality.

Liberals are also supposed to be the most kind and caring individuals around, right?  Naturally, then, when we see the Democrat National Convention come to Denver this fall, we would expect that they would be very kind and caring to the homeless in the city, right?  Uh...not exactly.  Rather than actually help them get jobs or find homes, they're going to simply buy them off with tickets to the movie or the zoo.  The plain fact is that these kind and caring liberals don't want undesirable homeless people mucking around their convention!  I guess it's better than what they've done in previous years, when they simply rounded up the homeless and bused them several miles away and dropped them off.  After that happened, the homeless had to find their own way back, as well as find food and shelter while they did it; at least this time, the homeless get a movie or some other treat out of their brush-off by the all-caring liberals.

Over and over, liberalism is found to be a complete failure...except to those elitists in power who don't have to play by the rules they set for you and me.  It is disastrous economically, it is rife with hypocrisy, it allows harmful and dangerous things that should never be allowed, and it ignores reality, history, and fact.  Liberalism is a bankrupt philosophy that destroys all those who subscribe to it.  Unfortunately, it also threatens to drag down the rest of us at the same time.

The only remedy is what conservatism offers: individual responsibility, less government, family values, strong and common sense defense.  The choice is clear.

There's my two cents.

1 comment:

Kathleen Stander said...

Holy crap, Batman!
You are Reeeeeeally to the left!
(My blood pressure went up when I saw Ann Coultergeist's Godless book as recommended reading. I think she's evil. Seriously.)
Your writing is exceptional, Brandon. I look forward to perusing your archives and to checking in daily for updates.
I admire your passion for politics.