Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Congress Goes From Historically Bad To Historically Worse

Rasmussen Reports posts a new poll showing Congressional approval has dropped into the single digits for the first time EVER. The Christian Science Monitor also offers some analysis of low numbers:

Members of Congress are used to working in an institution that gets no respect, but a recent plunge to the bottom of confidence ratings – and a week back home with constituents riled over gas prices – is raising alarms even on thick-skinned Capitol Hill. Some Democrats blame the Republicans, especially GOP senators who have used procedural maneuvers to block votes on key legislation. "It's worrisome, but I understand it: The strategy of the Republicans has been to stop anything from happening – and people think that nothing is being done to help their lives," says Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D) of Michigan. Some Republicans worry that the public doesn't know enough about Congress to blame the right party. "Not only does Congress have an approval rating below bubonic plague and head lice, I saw a recent poll that as many as 40 percent of people still believe that Congress is in Republican hands," says Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R) of Texas. "I wish we could get a little accuracy out there about who is in charge – and let those ratings fall where they may."

Clearly, the American people know that Congress is, as a whole, not on their side. Congress is not only worthless, but it has become a danger to the American people. Where's Newt Gingrich when you need a good government shutdown? The only time Congress can do anything good is when they're not doing anything at all!

All joking aside, this is a very serious problem. The sheer ignorance of the American public is highlighted here. How is it possible that 40% of people out there do not even know who the majority party is?? This is the reason for my blog, people - there is a severe lack of information (remember, ignorance isn't the same as stupidity!) out there, and the key is to reach as many people as possible with fact and truth. If that happens, those facts and truths will win the day
every time. Also on display is the liberal bias of the media. Do you see how the writers of this article seem to disapprove of the 'procedural maneuvers' to block key votes? That makes the GOP sound ominous, devious, and obstructionist. The reality is that these maneuvers have prevented massive new taxes, oppressive regulations, amnesty after amnesty, and drastically reduced national security for American citizens. Honestly, I'm kind of surprise this poll even got published at all. But do you see the uphill battle we face?

Another problem is this:

[W]hen pollsters ask if voters think that their local member of Congress deserves to be reelected, the response is usually positive. More than 90 percent of incumbents who opt to stay in Congress are typically reelected.

I have always wondered about this. If Congress is doing so badly, and if people complain so loudly about how much they suck, then WHY DO THEY RE-ELECT THE SAME IDIOTS EVERY TIME?!?! Again, I think this comes back to ignorance on the part of most voters. I think there's also a fair amount of misrepresentation at the local level. It is very interesting to watch certain elected leaders say one thing to their national audience while saying another to their local constituents. One prime example that comes to mind is former Democrat Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. He was one of the most liberal Senators, but he spoke quite conservatively to his home base. They saw through his duplicity, and sent him packing, the first Majority Leader to fail re-election bid in decades.

This double-speaking is quite common, and shows the power of how all politics is local. The problem is that most people don't know enough about their representatives' positions, and continue to vote for them.

This is a very telling poll, and one that Congress is taking seriously. The trick, though, is to correctly interpret the root cause of the discontent. The party who most accurately pegs it and addresses it is the one who will have the most success in November. Of course, since the MSM is essentially the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, even if the GOP nails it on the head, it will be difficult to get the message out. Thus, the new media.

If you are reading this blog, you're part of the solution. Spread the word.

There's my two cents.

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