Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Islam = Violent Oppression Of Women

One thing I've been completely unable to comprehend is how certain demographic groups -- or at least the lobbyists most often associated with them -- seem totally oblivious to the dangers that Islam presents specifically to them.

Kyle-Anne Shiver writes a blistering article about the oppression of women in Islam that every woman in America needs to understand. Some excerpts:
In what is just the latest outrageous example of Islamic lunacy, a nineteen year old Saudi woman was gang-raped and then sentenced last month to 200 lashes plus a jail sentence. Talk about blaming the victim.

In 2002, again in Saudi Arabia, a mob of very “religious” followers of the Prophet surrounded a girls’ school that was engulfed in raging flames, and refused to permit firefighters to save the young girls, or even to permit the ones that could to flee the building. The little girls’ crime? They had removed their head-to-toe coverings because they were schooled among only females. Because of their uncovered state, they were sentenced by the men to death by burning.

Germany, now home to roughly 2 million Turkish Muslim immigrants, is dealing with a wave of honor killings carried out against women by male relatives. And what are the "crimes" these women have committed? They range anywhere from "living like a German" to being seen in the company of a man to whom they are not married.

In 2002, an Ethiopian Muslim immigrant was convicted on cruelty-to-children charges right here in Atlanta, for personally conducting female genital mutilation (FGM) on his 2 year-old daughter. This father used a pair of scissors to excise his own daughter’s clitoris. Female genital mutilation was originally called “female circumcision,” but even the WHO rejected that moniker, because unlike male circumcision’s beneficial effects, females are actually mutilated and many contract severe, permanent maladies as a result.
All of these things are part of Sharia law, the code of conduct in Islam (see my previous blog about it for more details). She goes on to talk about the experiences of someone she knows personally, and observes that "[i]f a Jewish or Christian man beats his wife, or otherwise abuses her, he does so against his religion, and his worship community. When a Muslim man does likewise, he does so in full obedience to the Prophet himself. It’s in the Koran."

Go read the whole article.

Given the undeniable rise in attempts to implement Sharia law here in America, it boggles my mind that women do not take a more direct stance against the Islamization of the country. They have a whole lot to lose!

There's my two cents.

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