Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pay More At The Pump

A report by the Heritage Foundation says that the energy bill currently working its way through Congress will lead to higher prices at the gas pump. The bill is intended to slow and reverse carbon emissions (i.e. global warming) for various industries, and it aims squarely at gas-powered engines by adding big taxes on gasoline producers. In addition, the bill would implement price controls to 'prevent gouging'. If this bill becomes law, Heritage estimates that over the next 8 years the price of gas will increase to over $5/gallon, meaning the average consumer will spend an additional $837 per year on gas.

For anyone who doesn't remember or know, these same sorts of measures were used back in the 1970s, and the effects were horrendous. Prices skyrocketed and supply plummeted.

This is the end result of the global warming craze - foolish legislation to address a myth. Unfortunately, we will all experience very real (and expensive) consequences.

There's my two cents.

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