Monday, December 10, 2007

A Glimpse Into Rep Border Stances

Michelle Malkin posts some excerpts from the most recent Republican debate. It was held in Spanish, and appeared to be a big suck-up. Tom Tancredo boycotted the event, but the rest of them were there and bucking for the Latino vote.

Go look at the link if you want the details. The short version is that the only candidates with a history of real immigration enforcement and success are Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo. Fred Thompson has outlined a detailed plan that would accomplish a lot, but the rest of them appear to be pretty weak (yes, even Giuliani and Huckabee).

Given that this is a major, major issue for Republicans in this election, this is going to be a hard one to sort out.

Just wanted to keep you informed.

There's my two cents.

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