Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Shred Of Proof That Moderate Muslims Do Exist

In a startling piece of incredibly good news, the American Islamic Council has denounced the government of Sudan for jailing a British schoolteacher, and demands her immediate release. An excerpt of their statement:
"The sad legacy of the Danish cartoon riots is that we have to speak out immediately when extremists try to provoke clashes over trivial matters," Weddady explained. "This is not about cultural sensitivities. There is no excuse for someone to be sent to jail and whipped over a teddy bear's name. Ms. Gibbons needs to be freed at once."
This is exactly what I've been saying for quite some time...if there truly were a huge number of 'moderate' Muslims, they would be all over stuff like this British lady's cause, denouncing radical Muslims. This is the first instance I can recall of this happening, but I'm very, very glad to see it!

There's my two cents.

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