Thursday, April 24, 2008

Talk About Bold...!

Well, as if the gratuitous utilization of American-funded taxpayer services via illegal immigrants isn't bad enough, the Mexican government has now been caught stealing from the White House!  Fox News breaks the story:

Whether he was up to no good or simply desperate to play BrickBreaker, a Mexican press attaché was caught on camera pocketing several White House BlackBerries during a recent meeting in New Orleans and has since been fired, FOX News has learned.

Sources with knowledge of the incident said the official, Rafael Quintero Curiel, served as the lead press advance person for the Mexican Delegation and was responsible for handling logistics and guiding the Mexican media around at the conference.

Quintero Curiel took six or seven of the handheld devices from a table outside a special room in the hotel where the Mexican delegation was meeting with President Bush earlier this week.

Everyone entering the room was required to leave his or her cell phone, BlackBerry and other such devices on the table, a common practice when high-level meetings are held. American officials discovered their missing belongings when they were leaving the session.

Sources said Quintero Curiel made it all the way to the airport before Secret Service officers caught up with him. He initially denied taking the devices, but after agents showed him the DVD, Quintero Curiel said it was purely accidental, gave them back, claimed diplomatic immunity and left New Orleans with the Mexican delegation.

It was an accident?  Yeah, right.  Too bad he could play the diplomatic immunity card and escape punishment.  Curiel was asked to resign when he got back to Mexico.  Michelle Malkin observes:

Just looting the White House electronic devices Americans won't loot…

Now, imagine if it were an American government official caught south of the border stealing Mexican government property.

I'd really like to know if he did it on his own or if he was instructed to do so by the Mexican President.  I suppose we'll probably never know, since the White House isn't commenting, and since Bush is way too cozy with Mexico.  This is why the border fence hasn't been built, and why there has been no serious effort to secure our borders - the top levels of our federal government (including Bush) don't want it to happen.  Shameful!

There's my two cents.

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