Thursday, May 31, 2007

Where Am I Coming From?

I'm a conservative. I'm not ashamed to say that I think that conservative principles are the reason this country has become the greatest society ever to grace the face of the Earth. I'll explain this more over time, and I hope you'll come to agree with me. For now, let's start with defining conservatism a bit.

Conservatism is a philosophy or frame of mind that believes in the free marketplace, not only in goods and services, but also in ideas. It believes that the role of government should be smaller and less intrusive in daily life, and that taxes should be as low as possible. It strives to enable the common man to elevate himself and grow rather than stagnate. It strives to ignore stigmas like race, heritage, and gender. It believes that individual freedoms unleash the potential of humans' innate God-given creativity and drive to succeed, build, and progress forward. In short, a conservative believes it's far better to teach a man how to fish and thus enable him to provide for himself and his family rather than to give him a fish and make him dependent.

All future messages will be coming from this point of view, so keep that in mind as you read. I respect other opinions, though - civilized dissent is part of what makes America great. Whether you agree with me or not, my goal is that you will be more informed of current events and issues when you're done reading than you were when you started. Even better, my hope is that you will agree with me and act accordingly. I know that won't always happen, and that's okay.

With that being said, you should know that I haven't always been interested in politics. In fact, I'm about as anti-politics as you can get. However, I also realize that there are a load of problems around us, and the vehicle through which many of these problems can be fixed is (unfortunately) politics via informed people. The more I started paying attention to that fact, the more I felt the need to jump in.

In my humble opinion, the main problem is this: I think there's a huge disconnect between the elites in this country (the mainstream media, the very rich, the socially powerful, and many of those currently in positions of power) and 'normal people' like you and me. The last few years have seen a departure in much of the mainstream media from unbiased reporting to agenda-driven slant. Fortunately, there's also been a much better dissemination of accurate information about what's going on through the so-called 'new media', but I think that a lot of people still don't get the full story - it takes a pretty significant effort to dig through the mainstream media to get the real deal. I try to keep up with things on a fairly regular basis out of my own interest, so I thought it might be helpful if I pass along what I learn to other 'normal people' like me.

Am I going to try to persuade you to my viewpoint? I might. But, I truly think that most Americans already believe many of the same things I do, so I'm going to try to keep this blog to an information-sharing purpose rather than just another political rant. I plan to show you the facts (the ones not reported in the mainstream media) and raise some questions, and I believe that if I do that effectively, you'll come to the same conclusions I do, and act accordingly. I may offer some blatant suggestions here and there, but you can -- obviously -- take them or leave them. You won't hurt my feelings either way. :)

I'll do my best to reference my sources as much as possible, but I don't know how long I'll be able to archive attachments - we'll see how it goes!

Thus begins a new adventure for me, and hopefully a useful service to you.

There's my two cents.

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