Friday, January 11, 2008

Environment, Immigration, And Iraq

Looks like there's snow in Baghdad...for the first time in recent memory! Clearly, the latest sign of global warming.

More on Hillary's immigration policy
In a meeting in Nevada, Hillary Clinton said 'no woman is illegal'. Oh, that's a great immigration policy. Do you want this crazy lib as your President?!

Out of Baghdad
There are no more U.S. Marines in Baghdad. Security in Iraq's capital has been taken over by Iraqi police. Also, tens of thousands of Iraqi refugees are coming home to re-establish their lives. Undeniable progress. And isn't it great that our troops are pulling out because of victory rather than defeat?

Iraqi political solutions
The goal of the U.S. mission in Iraq is now not so much military success (which has already been accomplished), but political progress that will stabilize Iraq. While there are still many high hills to climb, it appears that Iraq is making substantial progress. Though their solutions are usually not what we would have done or proposed, they are still solutions, and that is the key. It's only a matter of time until Iraq can stand on its own. With the decrease in violence, they have been able to focus on agreements on oil sharing, former Baath party members, and other previously divisive issues. Just as predicted.

Bailout mania
Michelle Malkin posts a wealth of information about the mortgage 'crisis' bailout. Go take a look. This is a problem across the board - both Democrats and Republicans (led by Bush) are pandering to idiots who made poor decisions and mortgage companies who made risky loans to people who shouldn't have been approved. Now, pretty much every politician out there is talking about throwing around billions of YOUR tax dollars to bail out these idiots/slimeballs. What is wrong with these people?? Call your Reps and Senators and tell them this is not how you want YOUR tax money to be spent. As Malkin says, 'God save us from bipartisanship.' No kidding!

There's my two cents.

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