Thursday, January 17, 2008

Political Progress In Iraq

The mantra for the anti-Bush, anti-American, pro-failure crowd (i.e. Democrat leaders) since the surge began has centered around the apparent lack of 'political progress'. They've complained that the newly formed Iraqi government hasn't precisely followed the benchmarks Bush set out for them, and tried to use that as justification for pulling out. Although the benchmarks haven't been checked off quite as quickly as Bush had hoped, there was still 'political progress' being made. Now, that progress has taken a giant leap forward with one of the stickier battles being resolved with legislation, completing one of the benchmarks.

The question of how to let former Baath party members (Saddam Hussein's party) back into government has been answered.

While this may seem like no big deal to most Americans, this was a critical struggle for Iraqis, and the fact that they have reached a resolution is major, major news.

It's too bad the MSM won't be running story after story after story about it to let the American people know what's going on like they do with the death of American soldiers. In fact, aside from this one story last Sunday, I haven't seen anything at all about this major victory for Iraq and Bush. Have you?

Nope, of course not. Wouldn't expect anything less from our MSM...

There's my two cents.

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