Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Oil And Global Warming

Jason Lewis spoke very eloquently on Rush Limbaugh's radio program a few weeks ago about global warming, specifically in regard to the amount of oil in American possession.

As you now know, we have a tremendous amount of oil available to us
if we would simply go get it! We can drastically reduce our dependence on hostile foreign powers and increase our economy at the same time if we would just get over the insane idea of restricting our use of our own resources! This is why the global warming hoax is so destructive - it has crippled our ability to progress forward as a nation, weakening us militarily and economically voluntarily through self-imposed energy limitations, taxation, and oppressive legislation. We are the only resource-rich country in the world that refuses to use its own resources!

Let's get over it. Drill away.

There's my two cents.

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