Monday, November 30, 2009

Barack Obama Hearts ACORN

Oh boy. Barack Obama grew up in ACORN, and is a kindred spirit with ACORN. He was noticeably silent when ACORN was busted on camera multiple times helping set up an international under-aged sex slave ring. ACORN became so radioactive for a short time that both the House and the Senate voted to de-fund them.

Unfortunately, that was merely a political stunt that lasted for a month.

Now, the Obama administration has officially put ACORN back into its good (financially speaking) graces. Gateway Pundit reminds us of the history here, and reports on the current situation:

ACORN is the largest radical leftist group in America today.
This radical group worked closely with the Obama camp during the election. But, the community organizing group was not open about this. The photo below was scrubbed from the ACORN website before the election:

One of Barack Obama’s first big “community organizer” jobs involved ACORN in 1992. He has been working along side ACORN since before he became an elected official. Obama also trained ACORN employees. He represented ACORN in court. Obama worked with and protested with ACORN. His campaign donated $800,000 to ACORN in 2008 for voter registration efforts.
And, ACORN even canvassed for Obama last year.

Earlier this year Obama promoted a top ACORN operative, Patrick Gaspard, who’s oranization was fined $775,000 for election violations, to a top post in the White House. Gespard is helping shape domestic policy.

Obama’s ACORN group was banned from receiving federal funds in September after the group was busted on tape promoting the child sex slave trade.

But, today it was announced that ACORN will be paid with taxpayer funds after all.
The New York Times reported:

The Justice Department has concluded that the Obama administration can lawfully pay the community group Acorn for services provided under contracts signed before Congress banned the government from providing funds to the group.

The department’s conclusion, laid out in a recently disclosed five-page memorandum from David Barron, the acting assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel, adds a new wrinkle to a sharp political debate over the antipoverty group’s activities and recent efforts to distance the government from it.

Since 1994, Acorn, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, has received about $53 million in federal aid, much of it grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for providing various services related to affordable housing.

But the group has become a prime target for conservative critics, and on Oct. 1, President Obama signed into law a spending bill that included a provision that said no taxpayer funds — including funds authorized by previous legislation — could be “provided to” the group or its affiliates.

Obviously, considering Obama’s history with ACORN, this latest news surprises no one.

And that is the most unfortunate thing of all. The truth is that Barack Obama is ACORN, and that should be profoundly disturbing to all patriotic, law-abiding Americans.

There's my two cents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good points and the details are more precise than elsewhere, thanks.

- Thomas