Thursday, November 12, 2009

Egg: Meet Sean Hannity

Jon Stewart busts Sean Hannity apparently playing fast and loose with video clips:

Dude, that was one of the stupidest things you could ever possibly have done.

Some commentary:
The irony of this is that Fox didn’t need to do anything of the sort. Whether one accepts the Washington Post’s estimates of crowd size (10,000 people) or those of the organizers (25,000-40,000), the weekday rally drew an impressive number of people. Many people had to miss a few days of work to attend it.
The planners of this event had only 1 week to put it together, too. Even a few thousand people would have been a monumental accomplishment. This stunt cheapened the whole thing and made Michelle Bachmann look silly. I hope Hannity comes out with some kind of a rational explanation because he has unfortunately cast a long shadow on his own credibility (please note: this was not a Fox News broadcast, but rather a Sean Hannity broadcast). The bottom line is that our side stands proudly on truth, honesty, and integrity. Things like this are extremely detrimental, and a single incident undermines months of foundational trust.

Regardless, this is also yet another useful example of the double standards of the Left, as Laura at the Greenroom rather effectively points out:

But let’s not pretend the left really cares about the truthful use of imagery in the media. Sorry, that claim just won’t fly after:

There is no excuse for what Fox News Hannity did, and I’m glad they were caught at it. I’m not aware of anyone on the right defending it. But spare me the outrageously outrageous outrage, lefties. You don’t have a leg to stand on.

Got that right.

There's my two cents.

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