Friday, November 13, 2009

See? Talking With Terrorists Works!

Gateway Pundit:

Gee, who could have seen this coming.
The Hezbollah terror organization told Obama today to go pound sand.
The BBC reported:

The leader of Lebanon's mainly Shia movement Hezbollah says US President Barack Obama's promise to engage with Muslims has proved to be false.

Hassan Nasrallah said the US had shown its commitment to Israel by sending more military aid and backtracking on demands to stop West Bank settlements.

He said the Arab world could not depend on the US to solve its problems because the US was causing them.

In June, Mr Obama called for a "new beginning" between the US and Muslims.

Correspondents say that Mr Nasrallah's remarks were his strongest criticism yet of the US president.

Oops.  I guess I got the title of the post backwards.  It looks like us crazy conservatives have been right all along.

There's my two cents.

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