Monday, November 16, 2009

Perpetuating The Jobs Lie

The Dems are getting creamed in the polls because they're failing miserably on the economy.  Apparently to their surprise, incessant chanting on TV about improvement just doesn't mean much to real people who have lost their job.  So, what's a Community Organizer-in-Chief to do?

Organize a community:

Perhaps stung by the elections last week, Barack Obama has decided to call a "jobs summit" to address the rising levels of unemployment that his stimulus package has failed to arrest. He tried again to sell the idea that his administration has slowed unemployment, but the numbers tell another tale ...

Over the past 10 months, we've taken a number of bold steps to break the back of this recession. We've worked to stabilize the financial system, revive lending to small businesses and families, and prevent responsible homeowners from losing their homes. And through the Recovery Act, we've cut taxes for middle class families, extended and increased unemployment insurance, and created and saved more than a million jobs.

As a result, the economy is now growing again for the first time in more than a year — and faster than at any time in the past two years. But even though we've slowed the loss of jobs — and today's report on the continued decline in unemployment claims is a hopeful sign — the economic growth that we've seen has not yet led to the job growth that we desperately need. As I've said from the start of this crisis, hiring often takes time to catch up to economic growth. And given the magnitude of the economic turmoil that we've experienced, employers are reluctant to hire.

Obama apparently intends to stick to those "saved or created" numbers, even though the media around the country have exposed them as nothing short of fraudulent. And the job losses have not "slowed" at all. The month-on-month increase from September to October of unemployment was the largest since May, and four times as much as the previous month.  Unemployment accelerated instead of slowing, which is why it hit 10.2% — and why Obama has to be seen to be doing something about it.

Of course, of all the summits he's organized through the past year on any number of topics, nothing concrete has actually happened.  What good is 'organization' if it doesn't get results?  This particular summit is destined for an equally spectacular failure because of who he invited:

Labor unions and non-profits?  These are not the engines of job growth.  In  the case of the unions, they are pushing legislation (Card Check, ObamaCare) that would be job-killers.  And it's not as if Obama never hears from unions now.  Andy Stern, the president of the SEIU, is one of the most frequent visitors to the White House this year, with Stern himself saying he visits on a weekly basis.  Perhaps Obama should hear a little less from unions and nonprofits, and a little more from the people who actually create jobs.

Even worse, he pointed an accusing finger at those who actually do create jobs:

Barack Obama demanded and received $787 billion in stimulus spending to keep unemployment below … 8%. Now that unemployment has hit 10.2%, did Obama take some responsibility for having blown his economic predictions and for pushing a failed, expensive policy? Not exactly. In his address announcing a "jobs summit" yesterday, Obama shifted the blame onto — employers:

As I've said from the start of this crisis, hiring often takes time to catch up to economic growth. And given the magnitude of the economic turmoil that we've experienced, employers are reluctant to hire.

Small businesses and large firms are demanding more of their employees, their increasing their hours, and adding temporary workers — but these companies have not yet been willing to take the steps necessary to hire again.

Have not yet been willing? Maybe Obama thinks of companies as Scrooge McDucks, sitting on piles of cash and lighting cigars with Benjamins — that's how Nancy Pelosi thinks of insurance companies with their villainous 3% profit margins — but this as absurd a statement on the economy as one will find. Companies aren't willfully refusing to hire people. They don't have any work for them, nor do they have the revenues to afford more employees.

Plus, let's not forget all of the signals Obama has sent on taxes. Firms that might have been inclined to invest in expansion are holding onto whatever cash they have in preparation for the big increases that will have to come to pay for Obama's big-government programs.

This is why the economy is not improving (on the whole).  Barack Obama is implementing, endorsing, and pushing policies that are tax-heavy, regulatory nightmares designed to stifle the free market economy.  Genuine economic recovery is not his intent; growing the power and influence of government is.  So, at a time when America needs real jobs and real economic growth, we're instead getting empty boasts about fraudulently unquantifiable 'progress'.  Wow, thanks, Mr. President.  Let's see, what's the most appropriate phrase for this situation?

"Please, sir, may I have another?

Yep, that's it.

There's my two cents.

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