Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Great Darkness Crisis Of 2008 And Other Environmental Updates

As you know, I am passionate about the environment. So, I want to pass along a couple updates that you might find interesting.

First is a segment from Lou Dobbs' show on -- of all places! -- CNN. Get a load of this incredible bit of rational, logical analysis:

These guys had better start brushing up on their resumes, I think.

Here are some excerpts from a couple very interesting stories on wind power:

Wind energy will be an early test for Obama

The wind industry, its lobbyists, and other wind advocates have, for more than a decade, greatly overstated the environmental, energy and economic benefits of wind energy and understated or ignored the very high true cost of electricity from wind energy as well as its adverse environmental, ecological, economic, scenic and property value impacts. With assistance from DOE and NREL (using tax dollars), the industry has misled the public, media, and government officials. They have secured federal and state policies, tax breaks and subsidies that have:
  • Shifted billions of dollars in tax burden and other costs from "wind farm" owners to ordinary taxpayers and electric customers, and
  • Misdirected billions in capital investment dollars to energy projects ("wind farms") that produce very little electricity - which electricity is low in value because it is intermittent, volatile, unreliable with little of it, if any, available on hot weekday afternoons in July and August when electricity is most needed and has high value.
Check out the link above for over a dozen of the biggest myths about wind power.

Wind power greenies admit blowing wind
The British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) has agreed to scale down its calculation for the amount of harmful carbon dioxide emission that can be eliminated by using wind turbines to generate electricity instead of burning fossil fuels such as coal or gas.

The move is a serious setback for the advocates of wind power, as it will be regarded as a concession that twice as many wind turbines as previously calculated will be needed to provide the same degree of reduction in Britain's carbon emissions.

For several years the BWEA – which lobbies on behalf of wind power firms – claimed that electricity from wind turbines 'displaces' 860 grams of carbon dioxide emission for every kilowatt hour of electricity generated.

However it has now halved that figure to 430 grams, following discussions with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

Wind power is just a bunch of hot air, as I've noted before.

Rush Limbaugh highlighted this on his radio show last week, and it is truly worthy of consideration:

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but I have detected a new crisis that I have named "the daylight change crisis". I first noticed it sometime around the end of June this year. I started paying attention and created computer models and sure enough I was right! We are losing daylight at an astonishing rate. Each day we are losing approximately 2 minutes of day light and my computer models predict total darkness by next July.

I have been able to detect this phenomenon around the entire Northern Hemisphere. And here is the scary part: the day light appears to be leaking to the Southern Hemisphere.

I thought I should bring it to the attention of great scientists like Al Gore so he can help solve this new crisis.

Update: Important new data reveals that the serious environmental consequences of daylight change have already begun.

Here's the update about the environmental consequences:

I have some frightening new information from my daylight change research. The data indicates drastic changes to the environment that have already started.

Many species of birds and millions of individual birds have left the northern hemisphere. The impact of the loss of these birds is unimaginable.

Insect life has been severely affected and most can no longer be observed.

Large mammals have been observed lying in a state of near death torpor in their dens.

Crop production has fallen to dangerously low levels. My models predict famine in the near future.

These and other effects of the loss of day light demand our immediate attention if we are to prevent a climate catastrophe.
Where is Al Gore when we need him?

Whatever you do, don't ponder these things too deeply...just drink your Kool-Aid and PREPARE FOR THE END OF THE WORLD!!!

There's my two cents.

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