Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Morphing Economic Forecasting

From Gateway Pundit:

77 percent of Americans believe that the US media is making the economic situation worse.

Of course, it doesn't help that a Former Comptroller General says U.S. is now effectively bankrupt.

Don't worry, though...

That will all change come January 21, 2009.

In other words, the media has been drumming down the economy for years in an attempt to slay the Republican dragon.  It worked, and now Obama is riding into town on his great white horse (or unicorn) to save us all.  We will almost certainly see an immediate shift in the economic news - that somehow things are just, well, they're just not as bad as we thought.  Even if they're bad, there's still a reason or two for optimism (HOPE!), so we should all just join hands and hum a few peaceful songs together (CHANGE!).  The Obamessiah will wave his magic wand and make things all better.  And, naturally, it's still all Bush's fault.

Just watch - the tone of reporting will change after Obama is in office, if not sooner.  It's in that one-page liberal playbook, too.

There's my two cents.

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