Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nailing Libs To The Quote Wall

Here are a few more excellent quotes to ponder.  All of them nail liberal theology to the wall:

"Barack Obama has made few policy pronouncements since his November election. But he and his wife have made a personal decision that is rich with policy ramifications: the choice of a school for their daughters. During the campaign, Obama said he supports charter schools, which are public schools that are free of some bureaucratic constraints, but that he opposes private school choice, because it doesn't work. Turns out it does work for the Obamas, who determined that no public or charter school in the nation's capital would be the 'best fit' for their daughters. Instead they chose Sidwell Friends, an exclusive private school that counts Chelsea Clinton among its alumni. No one should begrudge the Obamas for choosing the best possible school for their children. But we should begrudge Barack Obama for vowing to deny such choices to low-income parents. As Polly Williams, the state representative who gave birth to Milwaukee's school choice program put it, 'The president shouldn't be the only person who lives in public housing who gets to send his kids to private schools.'"
-- Clint Bolick --

Let's all say it together: two sets of rules...!  Orwell was apparently right about some people being 'more equal' than others.

"How can the economy straighten itself out if it is being systematically skewed by government inference with prices? We are in the mess we're in precisely because of earlier government interference. Easy mortgage terms and guarantees contrived a housing boom and irresponsible lending that could not be sustained. The consequences have shaken the foundation of the financial industry. But instead of freeing the market and allowing the errors to be corrected, the government is seducing the economy into a whole new set of errors. That will lead to the next bust. 'But doesn't the government have to act?' people ask. 'We can't just let financial companies fail!' I say, Why not? Jim Rogers, the successful investor and author, puts it well: 'Why are we bailing out Citibank? Why are 300 million Americans having to pay for Citibank's mistakes? The way the system is supposed to work [is this]: People fail. And then the competent people take over the assets from the failed people, and then you start again with a new stronger base. What we're doing this time is ... taking the assets from the competent people, giving them to the incompetent people, and saying, 'OK, now you can compete with the competent people.' So everybody's weakened: The whole nation is weakened, the whole economy is weakened. That's not the way it's supposed to work."
-- John Stossel --

John, John, John...your problem is that you rely on common sense, logic, and rational thought.  Liberals don't bother with any of that useless crap.  You've clearly been neglecting your government-funded Kool-Aid prescription.

"Most people on the Left are not opposed to freedom. They are just in favor of all sorts of things that are incompatible with freedom. Freedom ultimately means the right of other people to do things that you do not approve of. Nazis were free to be Nazis under Hitler. It is only when you are able to do things that other people don't approve that you are free. ...[P]eople on the Left want the right to impose their idea of what is good for society on others -- a right that they vehemently deny to those whose idea of what is good for society differs from their own. The essence of bigotry is refusing to others the rights that you demand for yourself. Such bigotry is inherently incompatible with freedom, even though many on the Left would be shocked to be considered opposed to freedom."
-- Thomas Sowell --

The silencing of dissent?  Intolerance in the name of tolerance?  The squashing of freedom because it's good for you?  That's the essence of liberalism.

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
-- John Adams --

That may be true, but if one is not required to face those facts, nor to deal with their consequences, then one can float through life blissfully ignorant while calmly and peacefully humming a quiet tune about HOPE and CHANGE.

There's my two cents.

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