Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Support The People, Not The Mission

Rush Limbaugh has an appropriately snarky response to the union workers complaining that most of the rest of the country hates what they're doing to the Big 3:

Ladies and gentlemen, in case you missed it, I announced the official policy here for all of us when it comes to union workers and so forth.  We support the workers.  We do not support the unions.  We are all for the workers and the great sacrifices and contributions they make, but we are not for the unions.  As such, I myself am getting a little fed up here with all this talk. Chris Dodd saying the General Motors CEO, Rick Wagoner...  Who the hell is Chris Dodd?  He ought to be under investigation for the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac subprime crisis and for his taking money in sweetheart deals from a guy his committee oversaw, Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide.  Again, there are no ethics violations possible when you are a Democrat, because your intentions are always so honorable.  But nevertheless we're hearing all of the blame being showered on the automobile CEOs, but guess who is getting a free ride, so to speak, and that is the head honcho of the United Auto Workers, Mr. Gettelfinger.  Shouldn't somebody suggest he resign?  Maybe we've got some Republicans in the Senate, maybe we have some Republicans in the House of Representatives who say, "Well, you know what, the auto industry has been gummed up a little bit by the unions.  Maybe Mr. Gettelfinger ought to quit, too.  He's got nothing to hang his hat on here.  The whole industry seems to be in a big quagmire problem.  Yeah, the CEOs ought to go, but Mr. Gettelfinger ought to be right behind 'em."  We support the workers but not the unions.

Hey, it worked for the Democrats when it came to their opposition to the war...why can't it work for us in our opposition to the unions?

Oh yeah, because there are two sets of rules.  Just because something is okay for liberals to do doesn't mean it's okay for the rest of us to do.  Silly me.

There's my two cents.

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