Monday, December 15, 2008

Liberal Quotes Of The Year

Liberalism is all about one-way streets.  Remember, there are two sets of rules: one for them, and one for the rest of us back woods pleebs.

Liberals can fly their private jets all over the world, but you have to cut back on your gas consumption.  Liberals can call Righties hypocritical for having affairs, but trifle them not with piddly things like ethical standards.  Liberals can dictate education policy on the basis of open-mindedness and tolerance, but you don't get to question evolution.  Liberals can display a jar containing a crucifix in urine in the name of art, but don't you even think about exercising your right to free speech or freedom of religion by wanting to put up a nativity scene at Christmas.  If you think families work better with one mother and one father, you're a vicious bigot.  You can kill your aging grandparent because it brings them dignity, but to seek restrictions on abortion is to cause irreparable damage to young mothers.  You are required to pay (through taxes) for welfare, food stamps, health care, and education for illegal aliens, but how dare you suggest that perhaps the law should be followed in terms of booting illegal alien felons out of this country.

And so on.

Well, it's not just about issues, it's a whole philosophy of life, and it can be seen throughout the very fiber of liberal existence.  Take, for example, this at Michelle Malkin's website:

Fred R. Shapiro is a Yale historian. He compiles an annual "memorable quotes of the year" list and has publishes the "Yale Book of Quotations."

MSM outlets love Shapiro's lists.

Shapiro, you see, is an admitted liberal historian.

And the omissions on his authoritative list of quotes are revealing.

Topping the list are quotes from Sarah Palin and Tina Fey. John McCain made the list, too.

But out of all the gaffetastic gaffes committed by Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Professor Shapiro couldn't find a single noteworthy quote to include on his definitive list. Because, you see, he did not find the Democrat ticket's gaffes "memorable" or "remarkable:"

Sarah Palin lost the election, but she's a winner to a connoisseur of quotations.

The Republican vice presidential candidate and her comedic doppelganger, Tina Fey, took the top two spots in this year's list of most memorable quotes compiled by Fred R. Shapiro.

First place was "I can see Russia from my house!" spoken in satire of Palin's foreign policy credentials by Fey on "Saturday Night Live." Palin actual quote was: "They're our next-door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."

Palin also made the third annual list for her inability to name newspapers she reads. When questioned by CBS anchor Katie Couric, Palin said she reads "all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years." Palin's quotes were pivotal, said Shapiro, associate librarian and lecturer in legal research at the Yale Law School who compiles the list. "This quote helped shape the election results," he said of the Russia quote. "As it sank in the public realized this was someone really, really inexperienced and perhaps lacking in curiosity about the world." Shapiro issued his Yale Book of Quotations, with about 13,000 entries, two years ago after six years of research. He expects to release the next edition in about five years, but in the meantime plans to issue annual top 10 lists.

…Palin's running mate, Sen. John McCain, also made the list twice, once for his "the fundamentals of America's economy are strong" comment in April and again for saying "maybe 100″ when asked last January how many years U.S. troops could remain in Iraq.

Shapiro said the quotes may have been somewhat unfairly construed. "Nonetheless, these quotes cemented his image as someone who was out of touch with economic realities or indifferent to economic realities and being someone who was fanatical about prosecuting the war in Iraq," he said.

Shapiro relies on suggestions from quote-watchers around the world, plus his own choices from songs, the news and movies, and then searches databases and the Internet to determine the popularity of the quotes.

Phil Gramm, a McCain advisor, made the list for saying "We have sort of become a nation of whiners" in July in reference to Americans concerned about the economy.

President-elect Barack Obama didn't make the list, not even for his much-criticized remark in which he said some small-town Americans "cling to guns or religion."

"To me it didn't seem like a very remarkable or very foolish quote," said Shapiro, who describes himself as a liberal Democrat. "Ultimately I decided against it, but it was a close call."

No "Gird your loins." No "mark my words." No "J-O-B-S is a three-letter word." No FDR on TV.

No "57 states." No "states in the middle." No "Iran doesn't pose serious threat."

No "typical white person." No "not the person I knew."

No "first time in my adult lifetime."

And no "they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them."

Some gaffes, as we saw over and over again over the last year, are more equal than others.

Or, as I would put it, there are two sets of rules.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: liberalism is a bankrupt philosophy borne of selfishness that is so blatantly intolerant that it openly seeks to silence all dissent, corrupting and hurting people.  It is not based on real accomplishment or moral principles, but rather on smears, lies, and destruction that ridicules anyone who is not in the club.  Their own mistakes don't matter, but yours do.  These quotes of the year are yet another perfect example.

Liberalism is a virus that eats a nation from the inside out, and America has a raging infection.  The cure is conservatism, which seeks to reward honest, hard work with true success; it fairly administers justice and mercy to all people regardless of irrelevant classifications like skin color; it values integrity and generosity; it puts trust and power into the hands of the many common people rather than the few 'elites'.  It's the genius that created America, it's the backbone that has made America great through the years, and it is the one thing that can cleanse this nation of the virus that is liberalism.

There's my two cents.

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