Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fun & Frivolity: The Universe

It's big. Really, really big:

I'm not so big on the billions of years they mention in this video, but the rest of it is great. Regardless, there can be no doubt about the sheer mind-boggling size of the universe to anyone, regardless of their views about how it came to be.

Someone once asked why, if the Earth is so special -- i.e. the only place in the entire universe where God made humankind, as the Bible indicates and as I believe -- did He bother with the rest of the universe. I think there are two reasons.

First, because it illustrates the vast chasm between the power of man and the power of God. In the past couple of decades, we have finally broken free of our planet's gravity, but we still haven't yet found a way to set up shop on the next planet over. We've come a long way, but it's really nothing compared with how far there is to go. And yet, on the other hand, God managed to create an entire universe of a size beyond imagining in less than a week! If we think we're hot stuff, we have no further to look than the night sky to put things back into perspective.

But I think there's another reason, too. I don't believe God wants us to live a miserable life. I believe that He, as our heavenly Father, looks at us like we look at our own children. As such, I believe He wants to give us many good gifts, to bless us in many ways, and to enable us to enjoy the life we have been given. If you've ever stared up at the night sky from a place outside a city limits, where there are no street lights, neon signs, or skyscrapers to distract you, you have seen firsthand this second reason. It's very simple: beauty.

Have a great weekend!

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