Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gratuitous Teleprompter Post

I'm sorry, I just can't resist:
All right, this one’s for all of us who griped about Barack Obama bringing the teleprompter to a grade school and a committee meeting last week. Want to see what happens when TOTUS takes a day off? President Obama has to speak extemporaneously, as he does here in a Florida town hall last week. Darleen Click at Protein Wisdom captures this moment, which comes at about the 1:25 mark:

The Middle East is a problem that has plagued the region for centuries.

The Middle East plagues itself! For centuries! Maybe the best solution would be to move it somewhere else, then. I’d propose Chicago, but Chicago has so many plagues that it needed to send one to Washington DC for a few years.

'Nuff said.

There's my two cents.

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