Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What's Next on Amnesty?

The first cloture vote passed (despite 80% opposition from the American public) 64-35. What does that mean? Simply, it means that the amnesty bill was brought back to life - no more amendments can be offered, and the debate now begins on the ones already on the table. So, what happens next? As I understand it, there will be 30 hours of debate on the amendments included with the bill. After that debate, there will be another cloture vote, this one to end all debate and proceed to a final vote on the bill itself (which would then include the selected amendments).

The interesting part about this will be to see exactly which amendments Reid will select via the 'clay pigeon' maneuver mentioned in a previous blog. Hundreds of amendments have been offered by Republicans and Democrats alike, but only a few will be allowed by Reid. This is a critical point because several Senators who voted in favor of cloture (Kit Bond, for instance) have their own amendments in the mix. It's entirely possible that these Senators may vote against the bill itself if their amendment is not passed/included in the final bill. Basically, Bond (and others) have some kind of deal in the works where they're trying to get something for their vote, and this amendment process will greatly affect that vote.

So, now we have a couple days of debate to watch and learn, then will be the final cloture vote, probably on Thursday, then will be the vote on the shamnesty bill itself.

Now is not the time to stop contacting your Senators! In fact, I'd suggest you step it up. The first cloture vote was a good shot at killing amnesty outright, even thought it failed. The next one is the one that truly counts. Make yourself heard between now and Thursday!

There's my two cents.

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