Monday, August 3, 2009

As Predicted, Here Come The Middle Class Tax Cuts Increases!

First, a refresher from candidate Obama:

Now, the reality:
The AP reported:

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says the U.S. must cut the annual federal budget deficit, now more than $1 trillion, for the economy to have a sustained recovery and he's not ruling out new taxes.

He said the country needs to understand the Obama administration will do what's necessary. He did not detail how the government plans to shrink the deficit, though he said overhauling the health care system and lowering costs are essential.

"When we have recovery established, led by the private sector, then we have to bring these deficits down very dramatically," he told ABC's "This Week" in an interview broadcast Sunday. "And that's going to require some very hard choices. And we're going to have to do that in a way that does not add unfairly to the burdens that the average American already faces."
Geithner is not just a tax cheat but a liar.

Wow, that's audacity, all right! A couple bullet points to consider:
1. Bush did pass on a sizable deficit...but Obama quadrupled it in the first 100 days of his term.
2. Even if we taxed the rich into oblivion
(literally), it still wouldn't bring the deficit down.
3. Now they're saying that the deficit has to go down in order to recover the economy...but that didn't matter much when Obama was pushing crisis hysteria to explode that same deficit.

To sum up:
RedState: When Obama tells us “Let me be clear”, what he really means is “I’m about to tell you a whopper” and “hold on to your wallet”.

GP: These people have no shame.

AoS: Hey got played. Well, except for the significant portion of Obama voters who don't actually worry about taxes since they don't pay much, if any, as it is. What do they care if others have to pony up a little more to keep them in the lifestyle they've become accustomed to?

As for the political fallout from this, well just ask George H.W. Bush how he enjoyed his second term.

Yep, that about covers it. So, all you 95%-tax-cut-for-the-middle-class what point will you listen to conservatives when we say Obama isn't being honest with us? Is it when the tax increases are actually passed or when your paycheck actually shrinks? Or, should we just do it now and be done with it?

There's my two cents.

Gateway Pundit
Ace of Spades

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