Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Kool-Aid Haze Lifts

Some excellent news that indicates either that most Americans are smarter than the average politician, that the Kool-Aid is wearing off on at least one topic, or both:

There’s so much dismal news for The One in these crosstabs, I honestly wasn’t sure to lead with. The GOP erasing a 13-point Democratic lead on the generic ballot in April to pull dead even now? 57 percent declaring the White House snitch line inappropriate? A 52/29 split on the question of whether town hall outrage is authentic or artificial? Or a 13-point surge in the number of people since March who say they’d like to see less of The One on TV? (Overall split is 25/49, among independents it’s 22/50.)

I decided to stick with the big stuff, the true mother of all Obama lies. The one nearly everyone now recognizes as such:

Note: Even a near-majority of Democrats no longer buys the White House nonsense about not raising taxes on the middle class. And that’s not the only “good” economic news. Note the Democratic split on this question, too:

And finally the topic of the hour, where The One continues to circle the drain. Fox finds a split of 34/49 against the plans now circulating, a two-point shift towards opposition since last month. Among indies, it’s now 27/50. Plus:

No, it's simply not possible that taxes won't be raised on the middle class. In fact, they already have been. Just days after Obama's inauguration, he signed the S-CHIP bill into law which raised taxes on tobacco products. The dirty little secret is that the vast majority of smokers are low- and middle-income earners.

But, it's still good to see the Kool-Aid haze lifting on the whole idea of Obama cutting taxes for the middle class, because the opposite is going to happen more and more in the near future. Big time.

There's my two cents.

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