Thursday, August 6, 2009

More ObamaMobbery

The Dems are continuing to paint concerned American citizens wanting answers from their elected representatives as part of a mob. A fake, well-dressed mob, perhaps, but a mob nonetheless. And schizophrenic, too. Here are their talking points:

Earlier today, the Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee sent out one of the most bizarre emails I've ever seen. The email was titled "5 facts about the anti-reform mobs." The "anti-reform mobs" are Americans who are invited to town halls by Congressmen and have the temerity to show up--not only that, but to oppose Obamacare!

Here are the "five facts:"

1. These disruptions are being funded and organized by out-of-district special-interest groups and insurance companies who fear that health insurance reform could help Americans, but hurt their bottom line. A group run by the same folks who made the "Swiftboat" ads against John Kerry is compiling a list of congressional events in August to disrupt. An insurance company coalition has stationed employees in 30 states to track where local lawmakers hold town-hall meetings.

2. People are scared because they are being fed frightening lies. These crowds are being riled up by anti-reform lies being spread by industry front groups that invent smears to tarnish the President's plan and scare voters. But as the President has repeatedly said, health insurance reform will create more health care choices for the American people, not reduce them. If you like your insurance or your doctor, you can keep them, and there is no "government takeover" in any part of any plan supported by the President or Congress.

3. Their actions are getting more extreme. Texas protesters brought signs displaying a tombstone for Rep. Lloyd Doggett and using the "SS" symbol to compare President Obama's policies to Nazism. Maryland Rep. Frank Kratovil was hanged in effigy outside his district office. Rep. Tim Bishop of New York had to be escorted to his car by police after an angry few disrupted his town hall meeting -- and more examples like this come in every day. And they have gone beyond just trying to derail the President's health insurance reform plans, they are trying to "break" the President himself and ruin his Presidency.

4. Their goal is to disrupt and shut down legitimate conversation. Protesters have routinely shouted down representatives trying to engage in constructive dialogue with voters, and done everything they can to intimidate and silence regular people who just want more information. One attack group has even published a manual instructing protesters to "stand up and shout" and try to "rattle" lawmakers to prevent them from talking peacefully with their constituents.

5. Republican leadership is irresponsibly cheering on the thuggish crowds. Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner issued a statement applauding and promoting a video of the disruptions and looking forward to "a long, hot August for Democrats in Congress."

You could paraphrase the Democrats' complaints, "democracy's a bitch!" They are in a panic, obviously, because most Americans don't believe the falsehoods the Democrats have used to promote their health care takeover--like Obama's absurd claim that "If you like your insurance or your doctor, you can keep them." That is not what any version of the Democrats' plan says. The Democrats need to learn that repeating a lie over and over won't always snow a majority of voters.

What scares the Democrats is poll data showing that a plurality of voters oppose their proposed health care takeover because they believe it will make their own health care worse and drive up the federal deficit.
Speaking of well-funded mobs, check out this well-funded mob that accosted Rep. Chet Edwards in Texas:

Pretty ferocious, yes, indeedy.

Surprisingly, the RNC is actually on top of this. They released a new video blistering Obama's experiment:

The DNC rallied their Obot minions via a campaign-style e-mail in an attempt to swamp the RNC for running the ad, but the RNC was once again a step ahead:
And in a surprising display of savvy, Democratic allies who reached the RNC’s phone lines were instructed to press 1 to voice concern over Republican “mobs,” at which point their call was automatically directed to the DNC’s main switchboard.
Now that's just brilliant!

Still, what about those allegations that the mobs are well-funded and well-organized? We apparently have an answer now. Behold:

When the "manufactured" outrage the Left is trying to demonize lines up so inconveniently with public polling, it's sometimes necessary to create evidence for the "manufactured" storyline.

Enter Think Progress, which unearthed this shocking, secret memo from the leader of a small grassroots conservative organization in Connecticut, which allegedly instructs members on "infiltrating town halls and harassing Democratic members of Congress."

Right Principles PAC was formed by Bob MacGuffie and four friends in 2008, and has taken in a whopping $5,017 and disbursed $1,777, according to its FEC filing.

"We're just trying to shake this state up and make a difference up here," MacGuffie told me during a telephone interview. He's surprised at his elevation to national rabble-rouser by the Left.

Right Principles has a Facebook group with 23 members and a Twitter account with five followers. MacGuffie describes himself as an "opponent of leftist thinking in America," and told me he's "never pulled a lever" for a Republican or Democrat on a federal level. Yet this Connecticut libertarian's influence over a national, orchestrated Republican health-care push-back is strong, indeed, if you listen to liberal pundits and the Democratic National Committee, who have crafted a nefarious web out of refutable evidence.

There's much more at the link - check it out. To sum up:
So it came to be that a guy no one’s heard of, who created a memo that was sent to 10 people, who once wrote a single post for a site that’s not even formally connected to a major conservative group, and who’s not even a Republican became the evil mastermind behind a national Republican conspiracy to “manufacture outrage” at town halls from coast to coast. This is how the nutroots and their media enablers work.
Pretty sinister!

But, I couldn't do an Obama-mob-care post without including a couple more mob videos. First is one from Rep. Keith Ellison:

Um...why isn't Ellison actually answering these questions? And what does the U.N. have to do with any of this??

Finally, here's a video of Steny Hoyer -- the number 2 Democrat in the House -- getting schooled by one of his constituents:

Hm. I wonder if the nefarious Republican attack machine that is funding these well-dressed attacks is also funding angry Democrats like this guy?

There's my two cents.

Related Reading:
The August recess plan: demonize insurance companies
Cash for clunkers, cuts for missile defense
CBO: the Obamacare numbers just don't add up
The average life expectancy lie
It's confirmed: abortions will be covered by Obamacare
How's socialized health care working out for Native Americans?
How to get real competition in health insurance
How tort reform can help bring down costs.

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