Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Now That's Representation!

This is good, good stuff:

Pushback from GOP Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas on the Obama plans to dump Gitmo detainees at Ft. Leavenworth.

Message: No. Hell. No.

Via The Hill’s Michael O’Brien:

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) threatened to “shut down the Senate” before he allows terrorist suspects to be relocated to Leavenworth, Kansas.

Roberts heatedly pledged to prevent detainees currently housed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to be relocated to a prison facility in his home state.

“I’ve said it once. I’ll say it many more times: Not in my back yard. Not in Kansas,” Roberts said in a press conference with Kansas reporters. “I will shut down the Senate before I’ll let that happen.”

The Associated Press reported Monday that the Obama administration is examining the Kansas facility as well as a Michigan prison as destination for accused terrorists after they close down the Guantanamo Bay facility.

Oh, yeah! Shut down the Senate? Cool. I wish that would happen more often. Still, it's genuinely refreshing to hear an elected representative boldly state that he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his constituency from what is a tremendously bad idea.

Now that's representation!

There's my two cents.

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