Monday, August 3, 2009

This Is Why They Wanted It Passed Fast

Now that the August recess has officially begun, Senators and Congressmen are back home, supposedly meeting with their constituents to hear their thoughts on the issues of the day. The biggest issue, of course, is Obamacare. Watch these videos and witness why Obama and the Dems wanted this sucker passed before they had to go home and explain themselves.

In Texas:

By the way, that one was in a district that leans Democrat +6! No rational person who understands this bill wants to see it go into effect. Not Reps, not Dems, not Indies. The only people who want this are the Kool-Aid drinking Obots who are begging for the government to take over their lives.

Anyway, moving Philadelphia and Sen. Arlen Spector and HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius, for a barn-burner of an event:

This last one was a bit hard to hear. This lady is listing program after program that the government has screwed up, and asks how government can run health care when it can't even run Cash for Clunkers. I'm sure you heard the response.

The point is that the American people DO NOT WANT THIS, and the anger is getting more and more pervasive. This rising anger is the reason that Obama and the Dems wanted to ram this thing through before anyone had a chance to dissect this bill - the more transparency this bill gets, and the longer it hangs out there, the more difficult it will be to get it passed. If this keeps up all over the country and Congress is sufficiently scared, something will have to change. Obama simply cannot afford to be dealt this big a blow to what he called his signature issue, so you can bet there will be some kind of health care 'reform' bill...the key is what that bill will actually include. It might end up being a good thing -- hey, anything is possible -- but we must pay attention and demand that our elected representatives be honest and forthcoming with us.

Here are a couple other videos that are worth watching. First is another Michelle Malkin link that shows yet another video compilation showing that these Democrats know damn well that their 'public' option will lead straight to government control:

Anyone with a quarter of a functioning brain can see where this 'public option' is going, and it's simple mainly because Obama and the Dems are telling us quite plainly where it's going!

Now, watch this video of ABC's John Stossel reporting on government-run health care:

This is not rocket science. This is Statism at its oppressive finest.

There's my two cents.

Video Sources:
Michelle Malkin

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