James Pouillon- Rest in peace.Question 1: has any pro-choice organization publicly condemned the killing of this innocent man? Our side soundly condemned the murderer of George Tiller the late-term abortion doctor. Where's the reciprocation?
More-- The activist has been identified: James Pouillon, a long time anti-abortion activist has been shot and killed this morning in front of Owosso High School in Michigan.
He was shot dead in front of terrified teenagers.
A well known pro-Life advocate was shot and killed this morning in Michigan.
Life News reported:Local officials and state police are confirming that a pro-life advocate was shot and killed outside a high school in this Michigan town. The person, who is described as well-known but whose identity has not been released, was shot multiple times while protesting abortion outside Owosso High School.
Officials say the shooting occurred at 7:30 a.m. local time and most students were inside the school building at the time of the incident.
State police have also confirmed they apprehended a suspect about 8:15 a.m. at the suspect's home in this small community northeast of Lansing...
...Father Frank Pavone, the director of Priests for Life, has commented on the shooting in an email to LifeNews.com.
"We do not know the motive yet. But this is a time to console one
another, and to renew our determination to organize peaceful protests," he said. "It is no time for fear."
Pavone called on abortion advocates to comdemn the shooting.
"And I am waiting to hear the abortion advocates condemn this killing," he said.
Question 2: when will the President publicly condemn this killing? He seems to enjoy getting involved in ideologically driven local events...so why not this one?
Ponder amongst yourselves. But not too hard, because you already know the answers.
There's my two cents.
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