Monday, November 17, 2008

Big Trouble For Israel

Obama assured us during the election that he supported a unified Jerusalem, and promised Israelis that he was on their side. Of course, the next day he contradicted those statements when speaking before a Palestinian audience, and he has a history of supporting (or working with those who support) Palestinians, Hamas, and other anti-Israeli types. Now, it looks like he's coming completely out of the anti-Israel closet:
Barack Obama will give East Jerusalem away in exchange for "peace."
The Times Online reported, via LGF:

Barack Obama is to pursue an ambitious peace plan in the Middle East involving the recognition of Israel by the Arab world in exchange for its withdrawal to pre-1967 borders, according to sources close to America’s president-elect.

Obama intends to throw his support behind a 2002 Saudi peace initiative endorsed by the Arab League and backed by Tzipi Livni, the Israeli foreign minister and leader of the ruling Kadima party.

The proposal gives Israel an effective veto on the return of Arab refugees expelled in 1948 while requiring it to restore the Golan Heights to Syria and allow the Palestinians to establish a state capital in east Jerusalem.

On a visit to the Middle East last July, the president-elect said privately it would be “crazy” for Israel to refuse a deal that could “give them peace with the Muslim world”, according to a senior Obama adviser.
A while back Benjamin Netanyahu talked about how well these unilateral withdrawals have worked for Israel in the past:

"The unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon created an Iranian outpost - from which Israel is being attacked - in the North, and the unilateral pullout from Gaza created a second Iranian base in Gaza, 'Hamastan,'" Netanyahu said. "And now the government is planning a third withdrawal - from Judea and Samaria - that will lead to a third Iranian outpost."
But, this time it will bring peace.

Barack Obama won 77% of the Jewish vote this year.

UPDATE: Caroline Glick warns Israel of the perils ahead.
It is truly amazing to me that so many of the Jewish community voted this man into power! But the bad news for Israel doesn't end there. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas demands that Israel not only go back to its pre-1967 borders, but insists on the 1949 borders. Just to give you an idea of the comparison, take a look at the difference:

Add to that the recent reports of a new missile fired by Iran that has the capability of reaching Israel, and there is tremendous new cause for concern.

I really hope that the Obamessiah has some fresh new batteries for his magic wand, because he's going to need it if he wants to resolve this issue once he's in office.

I fear war is coming. If anyone has yet to check out Joel C. Rosenberg, I can't recommend
Epicenter highly enough. Go read it...NOW.

There's my two cents.

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