Friday, November 28, 2008

Quick Mumbai Update

It appears that the fighting in Mumbai is still going on, though it is winding down as authorities are cleaning out -- room by room, it sounds like -- the terrorists.  A number of the terrorists were British citizens, which should really make us question our domestic efforts to root out terrorists who are supposedly from 'friendly' nations.  The total number of dead is now over 150, with almost 400 more being injured.  I've heard reports of as many as four Americans being included in that count.  It sounds like the fatalities would have been significantly higher but for some true heroism on the part of hotel staff, who have done everything from locking guests in secure rooms to literally taking bullets to shield them.

Even when the worst of humanity rears its evil head, the best of humanity shines through.  Still, this should also underscore the need for constant vigilence against terrorism.


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