Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some Interesting Shorts

Here are a bunch of stories that are worth a comment or two but not big enough for a whole post.  Interesting stuff...

Paulson and the Chicken Little Congress
I watched as much of the Hill hearings with Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Naked Emperor Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke, and Sheila Bair as I could stand.

Kabuki theater gives me a headache.

Most revealing moments:

*When stalwart bailout opponent GOP Rep. Jeb Hensarling pointed out that everyone under the sun was applying for TARP funds including a group of Hispanic plumbers and contractors, he asked Paulson if he could please provide a clearer definition of what qualifies as a "financial institution."

Paulson's answer: "I can't."

Translation: "I won't and I don't have to do so. Nyah. Nyah. Nyah."

*When Democrat Rep. Waters, one of the Crap Sandwich's biggest cheerleaders, whined for 10 minutes about how her trust was betrayed, she and Paulson looked ready to shed tears.


If she were truly enraged, she'd be leading the charge in the House to freeze the rest of the Crap Sandwich funds. Instead, she's redoubled her efforts to get a piece of the pie.

*Paulson to the Chicken Littles who put their full faith in a naked emperor: "There is no playbook."

The Foundry underscores a message I've sent from the start: Paulson is part of the problem.

*And on the auto bailout, Paulson's message to the fools on the Hill: Don't mess with my crap sandwich! Make another one.

Paulson doesn't have a clue, there is no oversight or transparency, and even the $200 billion (roughly) of bailout money that has been handed out so far has had no noticeable effect on the economic problem.  Some Republicans are finally starting to grow a spine, calling for a freeze of the remaining bailout funds, but Paulson and the Dems are still wanting to hand the rest of it out.  What was that informal definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result?  Yeah, that sounds about right.  Call 'em up and tell them to stop all bailouts NOW.

Oil drilling
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of U.S. voters support offshore oil drilling as a way to keep gas prices down, but only 44% are confident that President-elect Barack Obama agrees with them.

This is one of the most winning issues the GOP can grab right now.  It is laughably easy to demonstrate that it is the liberal Left and the Democrat party who have consistently stood in the way of domestic energy production.  The executive and congressional bans on off-shore drilling have finally been lifted.  The memory of extremely high gas prices is fresh.  The time for change is now, but Obama and the Dems aren't likely to do it on this issue.  Fortunately, it appears that many Americans know that.  My advice to the GOP: hit this issue hard!  It's a win-win.  Either they get real energy reform pushed through, thus helping Americans in their daily lives with lower energy costs, or they push hard and still lose, thus painting Obama and the Dems once again as anti-energy, opening a giant door to a takeback in 2010.  Go for it.

Defender of Presidential assassin named Obama adviser
Yes, you read that correctly:

Gregory B. Craig, a well-known Washington lawyer who quarterbacked President Bill Clinton's impeachment defense, has been chosen White House counsel by President-elect Barack Obama, according to Democratic officials.

Craig was an Obama foreign policy adviser during the campaign. At the start of the Clinton administration, he had been the State Department's Director of Policy Planning, the head of State's in-house think tank. He also was senior adviser on defense, foreign policy and national security to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.).

Besides defending Clinton through the impeachment process, an effort that Craig lost, who else had the benefit of Craig's counsel?

    * Elian Gonzalez's father - Craig represented the father who demanded the return of his son after his estranged wife died trying to take Elian to freedom.  Most people saw this as a thinly-veiled publicity stunt from Fidel Castro, attempting to embarrass the US.  The dispute got resolved when Janet Reno ordered an armed assault on the house where Elian's family in the US provided him a home.
    * John Hinckley, Jr - Craig presented and won the insanity defense that allows Ronald Reagan's would-be assassin to spend weekends with his family now.
    * Kofi Annan - The former Secretary-General of the UN hired Craig to defend his interests in the Volcker Commission probe of the Oil-for-Food scandal, which put billions of dollars into Saddam Hussein's pockets while providing cash for Annan's son, his deputies, and some allege Annan himself.
    * Pedro Gonzalez Pinzon - A Panamanian legislator wanted for murdering an American soldier in 1992.  The Dallas Morning News demanded that Obama force Craig to drop the case during the campaign, but no report of whether he did is easily available.

Was Craig the only attorney available for this gig?  No.  Could Barack Obama find someone qualified who wasn't currently representing a man suspected of murdering an American soldier or who represented a presidential assassin?  If not, then Obama's more incompetent than anyone figured.

How's that for classy?  Obama selects to advise him a man who defended the would-be assassin of a former President and a man who murdered a U.S. soldier.  This may be shocking to some people, but anyone who understands Obama's radical associations knows that this is simply par for the course.  I'd hate to be a security officer in the White House in January - not only is Obama himself not able to pass the normal security background checks that would prevent dangerous people from approaching a President, but most of his Cabinet and staff isn't, either.  You were warned...

Dealing with illegal immigration
In the typical style of liberals, there is a concerted attempt to benefit illegal immigrants while dumping the cost and consequences on the rest of us.  Three stories to illustrate this.  First, Investor's Business Daily reports on the similarities between the bailout madness and the illegal immigration debate:

There are disturbing parallels between the financial crisis and America's illegal immigration crisis. In both cases, the irresponsible acts of the few have become the collective burdens of the majority who behaved responsibly and legally.

During the campaign, President-elect Obama promised to address immigration policy — with amnesty for millions of illegal aliens as its centerpiece — during his first year in office.

Couched euphemistically as "comprehensive immigration reform," the plan we can expect from the Obama administration will have the earmarks of another massively expensive taxpayer bailout scheme. The minority of people who acted illegally and irresponsibly would benefit, while the vast majority who played by the rules would get stuck with the bills.

America's worsening financial crisis was brought about by people who borrowed money they could not afford to repay, and the financial institutions who earned huge short-term profits by making irresponsible loans.

America's illegal immigration crisis was brought about by people who were drawn to this country by jobs they knew they had no legal right to, and employers who profited handsomely from their low-wage labor.

While the vast majority of Americans who resisted the temptation of easy short-term credit, and borrowed within their means, feel bad for those who were enticed by such offers, they do not believe such irresponsible personal behavior should be rewarded.

The unfortunate consequence of these personal borrowing decisions is that many people — along with their innocent children — will lose their homes.

Similarly, while most Americans empathize with the aspirations of those who violated our immigration laws, they do not believe that illegal behavior should be rewarded. The vast majority of Americans support government steps to enforce immigration laws, especially in the workplace, and understand that it is the illegal aliens themselves who are responsible for any consequent hardships experienced by children and other family members.

While Americans have sympathy for individuals who got in over their heads, they feel nothing but seething anger toward the financial institutions that made irresponsible loans and the executives who enriched themselves in the process.

Similarly, the public has nothing but contempt for the businesses that padded their profits while systematically undercutting middle-class workers by hiring illegal aliens, forcing everyone else to subsidize their low-wage workers.

Morally and financially, an illegal-alien amnesty would be the equivalent of another massive bailout program. The individuals who violated our immigration laws would be eligible for a "restructuring" of their status in this country. With a few minor conditions and penalties they would get to remain in the U.S. and, over time, enjoy the full benefits and privileges of citizenship.

The companies that have been illicitly profiting from hiring illegal aliens would get to keep their workers and have easier access to still more foreign labor in the future. Given their success at lobbying to ensure that laws against hiring illegal aliens are never really enforced, no one would be surprised to find history repeating itself a decade or two down the road.

In the meantime, all Americans would be forced to bear the staggering costs of amnesty for many people who, owing to their skill and educational profiles, are certain to rely heavily on government assistance programs.

As amnesty beneficiaries "come out of the shadows," reunite with family members outside the country and give birth to U.S. citizen children, the costs of providing benefits and services to this population will again fall on the shoulders of the American taxpayer.

The reason the Left wants this amnesty is that by bringing in another 12-20 million people, they will drastically alter the political landscape, giving themselves a huge majority when it comes to elections.  They don't care that the American public will be hammered with higher costs and taxes, they don't care that these millions of uneducated, non-English-speaking people will drag the country down without proper assimilation, and they don't care about the spike in crime and drug use that will inevitably occur.  They simply want to solidify their power for as long as possible, and this would do it.  This cooperation can clearly be seen in the recent quid pro quo from Hispanics themselves.

There's also an effort to redefine the very phrase 'illegal immigrant' to make them less 'illegal':

Arizona's Supreme Court Justice has agreed to enforce the Hispanic Bar Association's demands of banning the terms "illegal" and "aliens" in all of the state's courtrooms.

Claiming that the terms are inflammatory, the president of Arizona's Hispanic Bar Association, (known as Los Abogados) has asked state Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor to stop using them at trials or hearings because they create perceptions of judicial bias.

Some other phrases that are being banned include 'illegal immigration', 'immigration crisis', and 'open borders advocates', among others.  This reminds me of when a judge banned the use of the words 'rape', 'sexual assault', and 'victim' at a trial where a young woman had been the victim of rape and sexual assault.  Truly shocking, and disturbing.

It's unreal to me how the Left blithely censors and redefines words when it serves their purposes, and a sign of true madness in this world.  By doing so, they deceive and water down the truth, fooling people into behavior and policies that they would otherwise be strenuously opposed to.  We see it on every major issue from illegal immigration to social justice to environmentalism to war/torture, and so on - it's a standard tactic of liberalism, and can only be defeated by an educated and skeptical public that fights for and embraces the TRUTH.

Otherwise, the end result is insanity like releasing thousands of illegal aliens from jail despite knowing they're in the country illegally.  Sadly, it is a demonstrable fact that innocent Americans will ultimately bear the brunt of this liberalism when those criminals commit more crimes against them.

This is the ultimate end result of liberalism.  Real people get hurt -- financially, emotionally, and physically -- because of liberal political correctness.  We need to focus on the TRUTH, share it with others, and let the goodness and common sense -- also known as conservatism -- found in American DNA shine through.  It's what made this country great, and what we need to combat the onslaught of liberalism that is rolling in now.

There's my two cents.

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