Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Link Roundup

This is a massive link roundup since a bunch of stuff built up while I was out of commission. Instead of breaking them down into categories, I'm just going to list out the links straight up. If you have a preference, please drop me a comment or an e-mail to let me know what you think. On to the links...!

Danger, GOP, Danger! Obama's economic team is formidable.
Cystic fibrosis fundraiser canceled because it only affects white people.
Nerd-tastic: petaflop computers!
Beware a reverse Operation Chaos...now is the time for reforms.
Bad news: the House GOP still likes its pork.
Obama's judgment on the war.
Steele on fighting back.
Chinese cyberwarfare.
Rebooting the right.
The irony of the Employee Free Choice Act.
About the uninsured...
First a bailout, then a raise. Naturally.
Gays attack Christians.
What went wrong.
Hypocrisy: where the Obama kids go to school.
Hypocrisy: punishing privacy breaches.
Obama breaks another campaign promise: don't ask don't tell.
Progressives and blackness.
The three 'R's of the third millennium.
Code Pink meets with Iranians.
Hypocrisy: NOW celebrates the defeat of female VP.
Obama to follow Bush policies?
More MSM mea culpas.
Bush continues pre-socializing America for Obama.
More tax madness.
Obama hypocrisy: drive as I say, not as I drive.
NBC puts reporters in fatal danger for the sake of environmentalism.
Stupid business model of the day.
Borrow - spend - panic - repeat.
Fiery Czech leader to be next EU President.
Russia parks warships off coast of Venezuela.
Russian President renews Cold War rhetoric.
CA courts investigate Mormons over Prop 8 defeat.

That's enough for the moment. I'll catch you up with the rest of the links in a future post.

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