Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama Pledged Cooperation With Syria, Too

Wow, this guy has no qualms about bending and/or breaking rules! Not only did Obama try to deliberately undermine Bush's foreign policy in Iraq, but now he's apparently secretly promised to cooperate with Syria:
Representatives of President-elect Barack Obama recently told Syrian officials that Obama supports ending their county's isolation and that as president he would work to bring Damascus into the international community, a Syrian diplomatic source revealed to WND.

The source said the pledges were made this past summer in a meeting in Washington, D.C., between Obama's policy aids and Syrian Ambassador Imad Moustapha. The source said Moustapha was asked at the time by Obama's camp not to comment on the meeting.

The source said Moustapha was told that Obama favors engagement and economic cooperation with Syria as opposed to the Bush administration's policy of isolating the country and imposing economic sanctions.

The source also disclosed Obama's team said the president-elect favors talks between Israel and Syria leading to an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights, strategic, mountainous territory looking down on Israeli population centers that was twice used in the past by Syria to mount ground invasions into the Jewish state.

This does fit with his campaign pledge to talk (without preconditions) with all nations, even if they are terrorist states. Iran and Syria are the two biggest sponsors of worldwide terrorism, and Obama is now apparently willing to work with them to the detriment of our ally Israel. Remember, he wrote in his book that if things got 'ugly' between Israel and Muslims, he'd side with the Muslims.

I do not understand why so many Jews voted for Obama, given his obvious anti-Israeli history, record, and associations. The fact that Iran and Syria present a vivid danger to the U.S., Israel, and the region in general, as well as the fact that they supply, arm, and support the radical Islamic terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, it's ludicrous to think they mean anything but destruction to us and our ally.

This is likely to be one of the biggest international points of contention that Obama will face, and I fear he will fail it in catastrophic fashion.

There's my two cents.

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