Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sebelius: Don't Bother With The Details, Just Trust Us

Seriously, that's what she said (emphasis mine):

As the political debate about how to pay for and pass health reform grows louder and more contentious, we shouldn't lose sight of the reason we're even having this conversation: We have a huge, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve the lives of all Americans, insured and uninsured alike.


President Obama and I are working closely with Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate and health-care experts to make sure we get the details of health reform right. But we can't let the details distract us from the huge benefits that reform will bring. The urgency behind reform has nothing to do with the schedule of Congress and everything to do with the needs of the American people.

She's right that it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - it will only take one socialization to ruin the entire system!  But did you see what she said at the end?  Don't bother with the details (translation: no, we haven't read the bill, and we're not going to), and you shouldn't, either.  Just trust us.

And how about that sense of urgency?  Is it really coming from the American people? (emphasis mine):

Forty-eight percent (48%) of U.S. voters now rate the U.S. health care system as good or excellent. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 19% rate it as poor.

These figures reflect a significant increase in support for the health care system over the past few months. In May, just 35% of adults nationwide rated the system as good or excellent. A year ago, just 29% of Likely Voters rated the system in such positive terms.

The new polling also shows that 80% of those with insurance rate their own coverage as good or excellent. That's up from 70% in May.

This is 100% about control of the American people, nothing more and nothing less.

There's my two cents.

Related Reading:
Heritage's rebuttal of Sebelius' op-ed

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