Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dissension In The Ranks?

We've speculated about this before...but now it's not just us:

Amazing. "The One" hasn't even been president for seven months and already the Left is talking about a primary challenge in 2012. According to Rasmussen Reports:

Leading liberals are already thinking the unthinkable: Challenging President Obama for the Democratic nomination in 2012.

According to a report on the left-leaning Huffington Post website, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann and Eugene Robinson, an African-American national columnist for The Washington Post, discussed just such a possibility Thursday night. Robinson said Obama needs to be careful how he handles the health care reform issue and the continuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Olbermann said the president has "compromised on everything so far and as self-defeating as it may be, the progressive caucus and progressives would abandon him if necessary, if this was to be the policy of this administration into 2012. If it's necessary to find somebody to run against him, I think they'd do it, no matter how destructive that may seem."

Oh please, please, please let this be real! This would be just too delicious! This is perhaps reflective of what we talked about several months ago, that Obama's failure could lie in the fact that he can't make either the Left or the Right happy. Either he alienates the Right (and many Indies with them) by ruling with his radical Leftist roots, or he can moderate toward the center (like Bill Clinton did) and alienate his radical Left base. If he tries to tip-toe down the middle, he's likely to do both, and that will spell disaster for him.

Still speculation at this point, but if even libs are grumbling about it, well, it's hard to be labeled a right-wing kook for kicking it around, too, right?

This would be sweet!

There's my two cents.

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