Friday, September 4, 2009

Freedom Fest This Weekend!

For those of you who may be interested in expressing yourself over the Labor Day weekend, here's a great opportunity:

Greetings Modern Day Patriots,


Our nation is in need of you now more than ever; it is in need of your support, your resolve and your patriotism. Let me ask you a couple of questions.


If your house was burning and the smoke alarms were sounding, would you turn over and go back to sleep?


Of course you wouldn't. You would jump out of bed with a sense of urgency to get your family to safety.


If your friend or neighbor's house was burning, and you saw that nobody within seemed to notice, would you go back inside your house with the hope it didn't catch yours on fire?


Of course you wouldn't. You would run over and frantically do everything possible to alert them to the danger. You don't want to see your friends or neighbors or their families suffer any harm.


Well my fellow Modern Day Patriots, the house is burning, so is your friends and neighbor's home. We know you have heard the alarm and are involved and willing to attend the events that we have organized. We thank you for your support and now we are asking for your help. Have you told your friends and neighbors that we need their support?  With you, we have stood together and asked our government to remember they are working for the people.   The fact that the national media has grabbed hold of it, calling us Teabaggers, A Mob, Disruptor's and Unamerican shows that we are having an effect on Washington.  We need to do more, say more, and be more.


Witnessing the cultural and financial deterioration of the greatest country in the world is unacceptable to those of us who have the privilege to live in a free society. Everyday we move closer to losing those freedoms with policies and proposals that come out of Washington: corporate bailouts, government intervention into private business, cap and trade and now a proposal for a nationalized health care system. With mounting deficits that will rise in the trillions due to these policies and proposals, our children and our children's children will be burdened with a monumental debt they will be required to repay. We must stand up for our freedom afforded us by our Constitution and our Bill of Rights which state that our freedom is given to us by no man but our Creator. On September 5, 2009 from 10am to 2pm, the "United We Stand, Freedom Fest 2009 will take place at Theis Park at Oak and 47th Street (across from Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 1 block East of the Country Club Plaza) in Kansas City, Missouri from 10am-2pm where we, as proud patriotic Americans, will stand up and announce to our government we a prepared to fight for, exercise and celebrate our most precious right and gift, freedom. Bring your friends and neighbors. .United We Stand, Common People With A Common Cause
Combining leading voices of entrepenurship, faith, race relations and entertainment with great food and drink. You'll hear author and radio host of the Big Black Lie Kevin Jackson. Frequent guest contributor on the Fox News Network, Director at the CATO Institute Michael Cannon, host of the Christian Politician Apostle Claver and music from Outlaw Jim and The Whiskey Benders also featuring Melanie Owen, Angelo Mino and Beverly Gossage
If you would like to volunteer to help us at this event contact us at with the subject Volunteer.
Sponsored / Organized By: Political CHIPS and Modern Day Patriots (Formerly, Kansas City Tea Party)
Event Website:




I think that events like this are planned all over the country this weekend.  Go check it out.

There's my two cents.

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