[drum roll...]
...the spawn of Osama bin Laden!
No joke. It's actually the heading of a post on an official Obama website. It's impressive, really. Very creative.
Ah, but the fun's not over yet. Here's another little backpedal from the Obamessiah:
For being God, you'd think he'd be a little bit better about remembering what he said on a key topic just a couple years ago, wouldn't you? Anyway, Hot Air adds the icing on the cake:
Actually, there’s another hypocrisy as well. Isn’t Obama the guy who cut the deal with the pharmaceutical manufacturers to get their support — and to win their advertising dollars? Isn’t that kind of like saying that doctors want to get rich off of tonsillectomies and amputations, but his plan leaves them in charge of our medical care?Huh. How about that?
And what about that massively massive bill that they're voting on? Guess who thinks it's good advice to read a bill before debating it or voting on it? Yep, you got it...
And I have to say by the way, just to pick up on something that was raised earlier, that this is a different bill number than the original bill, it has gone through a complete restructuring from the original bill, but that initial concern that Senator Ryder said, that original cloud continued over it, because industry, and industry lobbyists, insurance lobbyists here in Springfield had been engaging in such fear-mongering among its agents, suggesting that this was a single-payer bill that in fact a lot of concerns were raised that had nothing to do with the bill that was before the body today. And what I was, what I would strongly suggest is people take the time to look at the three-page bill that is before them as opposed to some of the mischaracterizations (of) this legislation that have been raised by others.I guess that's only important for state Senators, not Presidents or members of Congress.
Some other headlines on the subject:
- Obamacare is a threat to low-wage jobs
- The slippery slope of health care reform
- IRS/Health care insanity
- How many uninsured are there, really?
In related news, the 'Start Over Caucus' is gaining steam.
There's my two cents.
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