Gateway Pundit:
The Hill reported:House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said the Democrats are one bill away from completing President Barack Obama’s “blueprint for American prosperity.”
“We have passed two of the three pillars in the historic healthcare and education reform and are working towards a clean energy and climate agenda in Congress,” Pelosi said in her remarks to the California Democratic Party state convention in Los Angeles on Saturday. “And essential to prosperity for middle-income Americans is reining in Wall Street.”
If this sounds vaguely familiar to you, it should - this is precisely the 're-making' project that Barack Obama promised, and we talked about over a year ago. In fact, this was something that was first thrown around back before the 2008 election, if you want to be accurate about it. Recall:
So, back to my theory from last fall - the radical Leftists who are now running the American government had three main legs in their takeover (i.e. 're-making') of this great nation:The only thing left, as Nancy Pelosi says, is for the Senate to sign off on some kind of hoax-empowering climate change bill to combat what has now been proven to be the non-existent climate change hoax.
1. financial industry
2. health care
3. energy
The first phase was largely completed with TARP, the 'stimulus' package, and historically unprecedented new spending. The House has now passed both of the other two measures, narrowly. The only hurdle left to preventing these anti-American radicals from completing their re-making project is the Senate. Two votes are all that stands between 230+ years of responsibility, limited government, and historically unmatched prosperity, and the destruction of the United States of America as we know it.
Oh sure, the country will still exist. But, it will mirror Europe - perpetually high unemployment, crippling taxation on the productive members of society, no will or ability to defend its people from attacks or aggressors, political correctness trumping common sense and justice, and government interference in every facet of life you can imagine.
This 're-making' project is destroying the foundations of America, the principles on which it was founded -- and that made it so successful, free, and prosperous -- and those who don't fall in line with the radical Leftist viewpoint.
We need a 'Party of No' to stop this onslaught, and the polls indicate that Americans are embracing the theme in ever greater numbers. Let's hope that the GOP in Congress can find themselves a collective spine and get aggressive about not just saying no, but (in the immortal words of conservative legend William F. Buckley, Jr.) STANDING ATHWART HISTORY AND SHOUTING 'STOP'!!!
It's what America needs to happen. It's what Americans want to happen. It will take you getting involved, pressuring your elected reps, speaking the truth to friends and family before the next election, and then getting everyone you know out to vote. Then, and only then, we have a chance to roll back these three pillars of America's 're-making' destruction.
There's my two cents.
If Obama and his Obamatons get their way, the U.S. won't exactly mirror Europe. Even Europe won't exactly mirror the remnants of Europe as we know it.
Without the powerful defensive posture of the U.S., and the will of our young patriots to defend freedom with their blood and ingenuity, the U.S.--and Canada and the European countries riding on our defensive coattails, paid for by U.S. taxpayers--will look pretty much as our enemies want us to look.
By the time those enemies figure out how much they miss us, the country that they hate won't be providing them with innovations like jet airliners, cellphones, and the U.S. Constitution to morph into weapons against us.
QR - That is an excellent point! Not a happy one, but I think a very accurate one. Sadly...
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