Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How To Combat ACORN

If you're like me, you've become increasingly concerned with the potential effects that ACORN is having on this critical election (if you're not familiar with ACORN, read previous posts here and here).  But what can you do?  I think there are three things you can do to combat ACORN's actions on behalf of Barack Obama.

First and foremost, you must educate yourself and educate those around you.  Many people still don't know anything about ACORN, their history, their illegal activities, their deep connections to Barack Obama, or their attempts to steal this election through extensive voter fraud in over a dozen battleground states.  Spread the word - the truth is powerful, and most people will follow it rather than the spin most of the time.

Second, make sure you get to the polls.  Because of the thousands of fraudulent votes ACORN is registering and will try to push into the ballot box, we need every single vote on the other side of things to counter them.  It will take overwhelming numbers to beat back ACORN, so every vote is critical.

Third, we can pressure the White House and Congressional leadership to bring Congress into emergency session to pass a national voter ID law.  The single most bullet-proof way to eliminate voter fraud on election day is to require a government issued photo ID at the voting booth.  Most of the fraud so far (though not all) revolves around fraudulent registrations, but it will translate into actual voter fraud on election day, and once the votes are cast there is no way to take them back or negate them.  Voter ID laws do not disenfranchise the elderly or poor, and they do not depress voter turnout.  There is no excessive financial (or any other) burden to obtain a photo ID, and they have been upheld by the Supreme Court.  All these empty arguments have been raised and shot down in previous blog posts (here, here, here, here).  In fact, in the states where photo IDs are required to vote, we find much less voter fraud.  Coincidence?  I think not.

So, call your Senators, call your Rep, call the White House.  Tell them you're concerned that ACORN is going to steal the election, and that we need a photo ID law prior to November 4th to prevent the fraud that we know is coming.  The election could very well depend on it.

There's my two cents.

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