Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Getting Closer Every Day...

Rasmussen: Obama by 3
Gallup: Obama by 2
IBD/TIPP: Obama by 4 Obama by 5.9 (this is what I mentioned yesterday - today we saw a sudden drop from 6.8 because one of the way-high outliers dropped off...)

The point is not to highlight individual polls, but to once again to illustrate that this race is tight.  All of these major individual polls are at or within the margin of error.  As predicted, they've been consistently tightening as we get closer to election day - remember, they typically try to influence until right before the election, when they want to be crowned as the most accurate poll.  Don't let the constant drumbeat of negative press from the MSM make you think it's over, and don't let anyone or anything keep you from going to the polls to cast your vote!

Now is not the time to get squeamish or timid, nor to be intimidated.  Spread the truth, be confident, and be positive.  We have six days left to swing even more people away from the worst presidential candidate in recent memory, so use every minute of it to inform and educate.  The truth will win the day, if it gets out to enough people.

There's my two cents.

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