Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oh Really?

Watch this:

Now listen to this, courtesy of Rush Limbaugh:

See the video in a recent GOP ad

Let's recap: Senator Obama, you said Rev. Wright was 'wonderful' and that he represents the 'best of what the black church has to offer'. Oh, really?

The audio of a 2001 interview came out yesterday that gave us an
insight into his economic philosophy: the courts should dictate economic redistribution, and the form of limited government outlined in the Constitution is a 'fundamental flaw'. Missed in the explosion of Obama's declarations that undermined the foundation of America was a little comparison of America to...drum roll please...Nazi Germany! Take a listen to the whole thing:

So, not only is the foundation of America a 'fundamental flaw', and the courts should force economic 'fairness' through redistribution, but America is now as bad as Nazi Germany. Oh, really?

According to the polls, many Christians (both Protestant and Catholic) support Barack Obama.
Here's a quick reminder of his position on the most sacred issue of this election, from the survivor of a botched abortion:

Finally, we have another incident where the media is shielding Barack Obama from himself. One of Obama's
Cabinet of the Crooked is Rashid Khalidi, a dedicated Palestinian anti-Semite who is a close friend of the Obama family. So far, Obama has sought to minimize the relationship with this radical:

Just an old professor, huh? Apparently, the L.A. Times once covered an event at which Barack Obama, Bill Ayers, and Rashid Khalidi were all in attendance. The event apparently included a number of Palestinians who are openly hostile to Israel. At the event, Barack Obama gives a toast to the anti-Israeli radical. We know all of these things for a fact because the Times wrote about it when it happened. However, the Times is also steadfastly
refusing to release the video of the event so we can watch it with our own eyes (by the way, the L.A. Times endorses Obama for President):

Just an old professor, Senator Obama? More information here:

Just another guy you happened to know, Senator Obama? Oh, really...

There's my two cents.

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