Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Obamessiah's Infomercial - Coming Soon!

I watched Barack the Obamessiah's TV infomercial tonight, and am chomping at the bit to tear it apart (it won't be hard to do). While it was a polished production designed to tug at the emotions, the facts of Obama's policies and positions -- not to mention his track record and history -- simply do not stand up to close scrutiny. Unfortunately for the American people, that level of scrutiny has not been leveled at his candidacy throughout this election cycle from the mainstream media, so many are likely to be fooled by his pretty talk.

I'm waiting for a full transcript to be posted somewhere - without one, my comments will be pretty disjointed and hard to follow. As soon as I find a transcript that I can post, I'll offer my thoughts for your consideration. Stay tuned...!

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