Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Notes On Barack The Obamessiah

Like it or not, this election will all come down to what people think of Barack Obama. Most people will vote more based on what they think of him than anything else. John McCain is a known quantity, and even Sarah Palin has been largely played out (despite the media's best attempts to smear her over the past few weeks). However, they have incredibly refused to delve into the history, associations, and record of Barack Obama, so the American people are still learning about him. As such, I wanted to pass along a whole bunch of notes on Barack Obama. At the risk of resembling a firehose, here you go...

Jawa Report brings us this video with Clinton HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo admitting that the bad loans which caused our subprime crisis were faulty, as well as yet another report tying in Barack Obama directly:

Barack Obama bills himself as mainstream, but is he really? Ask yourself if could make each of the following statements:
  • My career was not launched with the assistance of an unrepentant terrorist.
  • My pastor has never said "God damn America."
  • I don't think our troops are "just air-raiding villages and killing civilians."
  • My spouse doesn't think America is a "downright mean country."
  • I've never sat on a board with an unrepentant terrorist.
  • I've never directed millions of dollars to radical organizations.
  • I've never opposed requiring medical care for babies who are born alive.
  • I bought my home without assistance from a convicted felon.
  • I've never taken my kids to a church whose pastor thinks AIDS was created by the government.
If Obama's mainstream, most Americans are extremists.
If you want to see how your positions compare with those of Barack Obama, take this test. At the end, you'll see just how mainstream he is, because the test compares your answers with Obama's answers, as well as the overall public's answers based on previous surveys. Very enlightening...

Obama supporters have been
busted fabricating evidence of Israeli support for Barack Obama.

Obama loves to throw around the race card when anyone says anything negative about him or his policies. But, who's the real racist here?

Barack Obama also wrote that:
"Black Nationalism- “a steady attack on the white race”-is justified if it can deliver results."
Pot, meet kettle.

Hugh Hewitt points out how Barack Obama's preferred Supreme Court justices pull law straight out of...thin air. When talking about the case that ultimately gave terrorists the rights of U.S. citizens:
In a sentence: In June the SCOTUS said UCMJ-based provisions are inadequate; in July the SCOTUS proved that it has no clue what the UCMJ actually says.
We can expect more of the same if Obama becomes President - remember, there are likely to be four more appointments in the next presidential term.

Did you know that Barack Obama funneled over $1 million of taxpayer money to the hospital where his wife worked, and another $75,000 to a cousin's organization? Call me crazy, but I believe that's not only a conflict of interest, but also illegal!

Recently, Barack Obama called for his supporters to get 'in the face' of people when pushing his candidacy. Some of them took that to mean accusing Republicans of death threats on Obama. Classy. I guess it's just an early manifestation of the anticipated thugocracy.

Did you know that voting against Obama doesn't make you a racist? No, seriously, it doesn't. Glenn Beck puts it well:

But as The Associated Press claimed, even mentioning the association with Ayers, as Sarah Palin did in a speech earlier in the week, signifies a hidden "racial tinge." Is anyone else getting tired of this? Any and every time a question of Obama's history or record is asked, there is always someone to blame it on racism.

Remember, William Ayers is a pasty white guy like me. Shouldn't the fact that Palin is criticizing a white terrorist show that it's not his color -- but his terrorism -- that she's not fond of? Instead, the AP tries to make the case that voters will think Obama is "not like us" since "terrorists are envisioned as dark-skinned radical Muslims." Right, because nothing dredges up visions of radical Muslims with box-cutters like a guy named Bill.

That's not stopping the pre-emptive narrative that the only way Obama could lose is if America is a bunch of racists.

Here is a statement from 100 economists -- five of which are Nobel prize winners -- condemning Barack Obama's economic policies. It's too bad Obama has such an adversarial relationship with economic truth. I guess economics must be racist.

How about foreign policy? Well, Obama's getting a head start on his promise to deal with terrorists, including having one of his top aides meet with the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah. The campaign says it didn't know those known terrorists leaders would be present at the meeting, but others attending the meeting disagree. Regardless, the final reaction from the campaign seems to be something along the lines of: "Oops...oh, well." Not exactly confidence inspiring, is it?

Another Obama foreign policy boondoggle that is borderline illegal is the fact that Obama tried to interfere in President Bush's negotiations with Iraqi leaders on the timeline for U.S. troop withdrawals. But don't worry, he won't make any mistakes at all when he's actually the President.

Right Truth
posts the latest developments on Barack Obama's birth certificate controversy. I had thought this one was resolved a few weeks ago, but some new information apparently casts doubt on Obama's eligibility to even run for President. This may or may not prove to be true, but it certainly makes one wonder why Obama doesn't just release his actual birth certificate to clear up the mess once and for all. Hmmm...

Obama has a real problem on his hands with one of his sketchy associations, the Chicago slum lord Tony Rezko. After buying his house at a huge discount from Rezko, Obama must have gotten worried when Rezko was convicted on multiple felony counts and sent to prison. Now, Rezko is reported to be singing to the feds, and one of the targets is Obama himself. The Free Republic connects the dots from a recent Chicago Sun Times story, indicating the possibility that Obama may end up doing jail time for his shady house deal. Wow, would that be an earth-shattering story, or what? We'll see...nothing may come of it, but it sure does make one question those associations again.

Here's the latest RNC ad on the Obama-Ayers connection:

This is good. The more they hit this, the better.

Speaking of videos, The Jawa Report links to this video reminding us of Barack Obama's top priority once he arrives at the White House:

On the subject of abortion, here's a new article about Obama's radically pro-abortion views:
Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress.
This article is really damaging on the abortion issue. Read the whole thing.

Let's switch gears to religion. Isn't Obama really a Christian? If he is, he needs to spend a bit more time in the Scriptures. Gateway Pundit has the details:
pH for America is airing an ad in Pennsylvania exposing viewers to Barack Obama's controversial views on the Bible. The group shows that Obama takes biblical passages painfully out of context to suit his political purposes:

Considering his Christian mentor is G-D AmeriKKKa Jeremiah Wright it's really no surprise that Obama would be a bit off on his bible passages.

World Net Daily has more on Obama mocking the Bible.

Earlier this year Dr. James Dobson blasted Barack Obama for his "fruitcake" interpretation of the Bible on "Focus on the Family." Among other things, Dr. Dobson attacked Obama for his outrageous remarks on activist preachers and for distorting the Bible.
If he's going to claim Christianity and use Scripture in his campaign, he'd better get it right, don't you think?

Several months ago, when Hillary bowed out of the primary, there was
speculation that Obama bought her off by promising her the first opening on the Supreme Court. It appears that her supporters are now pushing hard for that post. If the thought of Hillary on the Supreme Court doesn't scare the pants off you, you must be a liberal.

For all of you union folks out there, did you know that Barack Obama supports legislation that would take away your right to the secret ballot? That might be because big labor unions have spent around $1 billion to get Obama elected. Naturally, the labor unions don't want the secret ballot because that removes their ability to intimidate and strong-arm whatever they want to do.

Have you ever heard the phrase 'drinking the Kool-Aid'? Basically, it means that people are so blinded and suckered that they have ceased to think. I've always suspected this is the case with many Obama followers (Obots, if you will), but now we have what appears to be some actual evidence:

Hard to believe it took Howard Stern to uncover this idea, but at least it's out there now. This also reminds me of my challenge from several weeks ago for any Obama follower to name a single accomplishment that Obama has done that qualifies him to be President. I didn't get a single response (what a shocker). Apparently, the Obots are too busy drinking their Kool-Aid to bother with finding out what their guy has actually done.

Here's a video of a plumber who has more guts and integrity than the entire mainstream media, asking Obama why he wants to raise taxes on small business. Obama's answer was that things are more fair if the wealth is 'spread around'. The plumber has one of the best explanations of why taxes aren't about fairness that I've heard:

Speaking of 'spreading the wealth around'...where exactly have we heard that theory before? Heavy-Handed Politics supplies the answer:
I have heard this kind of philosophy before. Now where was it?

Oh, yeh. People are paid "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."

Karl Marx, wasn't it? The Communist Manifesto?

A refresher of Marx's 10 planks from his "manifesto":
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
I think it's now safe to say Obama's a Marxist, too.

In a devastating piece of investigative journalism, Stanley Kurtz puts the lie to Obama's protestations that Ayers and Wright were just guys he knew and that he wasn't affected by their convoluted ideas. The article is far too long to excerpt, but the short version is that both Ayers and Wright (and others) buy into the idea that America sucks, and Obama's history with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge leaves no doubt that Obama knowingly funded educational projects that shared those same extremist views held by Wright and Ayers. Very damaging stuff for Obama.

Damn that truth!

Hopefully this post has been informative for you. We must know who Barack Obama is, and these are all important pieces of information in learning about him.

There's my two cents.

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