Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bits And Pieces

Wow, there's so much going on out there that I don't even know where to start. But, since I have a large mish-mash of stuff, let's just open up the firehose...

Did you know that Democrats are attacking GOP Congressional candidate Josh Mandel because he is an Iraq war vet, and Jewish, too? Sound hard to believe? Listen for yourself:

Classy. In keeping with the classy Left, their tolerance and peace-at-all-costs was shining through recently when a McCain supporter's home was
shot up, and Sarah Palin was hung in effigy. Now, what do you suppose would happen if Obama was hung in effigy? Yeah, just a wee bit of a double standard there.

Another dirty little secret is that Barack Obama wants to provide driver's licenses and Social Security cards to anyone who wants one, even illegal aliens (including terrorists):

Let's collectively recall that several of the terrorists who conducted the 9/11 attacks had driver's licenses...this is just another example of how destructive Obama's policies will be.

In what has to be the absolute least shocking political move of all time is the fact that the New York Times has officially
endorsed Barack Obama. Oh, gee, no kidding? What a shock. Coincidentally, on the same day, NYT stock was downgraded to 'junk' status. Draw your own conclusion.

There's been a flap lately about the $150,000 spent on Sarah Palin's wardrobe. The story is that she normally shops at consignment stores and other very economical places (since she wears normal clothes like you and me), so the GOP bought her some fancy stuff for the campaign trail, all of which would be either returned or donated to charity after she wore them. This is somehow a negative that the MSM must report on obsessively, but, by contrast, one vacation of Barack Obama's cost about
5 times that amount and no one batted an eye. Media bias? What media bias?

Heavy-Handed Politics lists some of Barack Obama's most telling
endorsements: the Iranian Parliament, Fidel Castro, FARC (drug terrorists in Colombia), domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the Communist Party of America, the Black Panthers, and Hamas. With friends like these, who needs enemies? When are people going to stop and wonder why all these avowed America haters support Obama?

On the subject of Iran, one of Barack Obama's advisers just
praised Iran, the nation that has pledged to see a world without America. Speaking of Iran, it appears that Iran has responded to Obama's pledge to meet with them without preconditions...with some preconditions of their own! So much for the Obamessiah's efforts at foreign diplomacy.

In some positive news, U.S. forces have made a
strike into Syrian territory. Good news: they took out another Al Qaeda big-whig:
A U.S. strike on a network of foreign fighters in Syria killed its main target — an Al Qaeda coordinator who was wanted for sending foreign fighters, weapons and cash into Iraq, a U.S. official told FOX News.

Killed in Sunday's attack by Special Operations Forces was Abu Ghadiyain, Al Qaeda's senior coordinator operating in Syria who was closely associated with the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Nicely done, men! Also, another province has been turned over to the Iraqi government.

In other good news, we're continuing to see falling gas prices due to
falling oil prices. The Heritage Foundation offers a few lessons we can learn: blaming 'big oil' doesn't help, markets work if we let them, and what comes down can go back up. Check out the link for the details.

Though Barack Obama has a radically pro-abortion record, he still says he wants fewer abortions.
Funny thing: voting to increase abortions actually increases abortions.

And what about Joe the Plumber? Despite the media's effort to destroy him, Joe the Plumber is having a semi-disastrous effect on the Obama campaign. Those who identify with Joe the Plumber are
many more than the Left suspects, and he inspires millions through his authenticity. Also, it looks like some government computers were used to dig up dirt on Joe the Plumber, but we don't yet know who did it. Mm-hmmm...

After all the fuss over the $700 billion bailout, it appears that some banks aren't using the money quite like we thought: they're using it for
executive bonuses or acquiring new assets instead of buying off their bad mortgages. Hm, didn't some people warn that the bailout wouldn't work? Oh, yeah, it was CONSERVATIVES!!! On a related note, the line for future bailouts is getting longer, and now includes ethanol. What a joke.

Something that we don't have to guess about is what the Democrats will do to your checkbook if they gain a supermajority in Congress: tax, tax, tax.

They also want to
rob you of your 401k retirements and decrease military spending by 25% (never mind that we're at war in two countries and are under constant threat from terrorists).

Barack Obama is opposed to war against terrorism and our actual enemies, but he will happily
engage in a war on social justice.
Obama has a mission to fully implement the U.N. agenda of "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear" and "freedom to live in dignity." (In Larger Freedom Report 2005) In truth, it is a global socialist agenda to enlarge EQUALITY -- social equality, economic equality, and gender equality. He views freedoms from fear and want as "prerequisites for all others" versus the American perspective that religious freedom is foundational.

Obama is no JFK, but he expects Americans to pay any price (sharing our riches, endless battles) and share the burdens to build a "just and secure" global village. By the end of an Obama administration, all Americans will be weary war veterans suffering battle fatigue, and lives will be lost.

From his utopian pedestal, Obama is largely blind to the heart of man. He believes that "...extremely poor societies and weak states provide optimal breeding grounds for disease, terrorism, and conflict...." (FA) He fails to understand that stable nation-states, governed by global ideologies, like Iran and Venezuela, are still the root cause of wars and international insecurity. Obama may know where Indonesia is located, but apparently he does not yet know the real reason for the "coup and the purge" of the 1960s (AH, 273). Such lack of knowledge will be a major pitfall when dealing with China if he should become president.
In a move that signals the height of presumptuousness and arrogance, a New Mexico newspaper has already officially run a story that Obama wins on November 4th. Um...there's this little thing called an election, and those usually have a lot to say about who wins...

In a follow up to the hard-hitting interview with Joe Biden
a few days ago (an interview in which Biden looked completely unprepared and idiotic), the Obama-Biden campaign stamped their foot and declared they would never grant another interview with that station. Now, a Philly TV station had the gall to follow in their footsteps and try to practice the actual art of investigative journalism, and made Biden look like an idiot again. With another foot stamp, this station is also banned from the Obamessiah's presence. This looks like standard practice now - the first steps of the Obama thugocracy.

Okay, that's all for now - this is plenty to chew on! Firehose off.

There's my two cents.

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