Thursday, October 15, 2009

Crime Is No Longer Punishable

If you're on the Left, that is.  First it was the Black Panthers, then it was a zillion Obama cabinet members.  Now it's the guy who illegally dug for dirt on Joe the Plumber:

Ho hum. Government contractor abuses access to citizen's confidential info. Left shrugs. Privacy invader gets a slap on the wrist. Crickets chirp:

A year ago tonight, "Joe the Plumber" entered America's political consciousness.

Republican Sen. John McCain's mention of the Toledo-area man during a presidential debate ultimately led to the downfall of an Ohio cabinet director for snooping in state computers for confidential information on "Joe."

Nearly a year later, a former contractor for the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police has been charged with rummaging through a police computer network to retrieve personal information about Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher.

Brett A. Gerke, 52, of 2329 Woodcreek Place on the Far North Side, is charged with attempted unauthorized use of property, a first-degree misdemeanor.

Gerke entered a diversion program Oct. 2, which typically results in the dismissal of a criminal charge. He has not entered a plea.

Is anyone else seeing any unintended consequences barreling toward us?  When the law is deliberately subverted by those in power for the sake of their own political benefit, what will happen to this country?  Anarchy, perhaps?  Violence?  Political thought police?

Welcome to the Obama era.

There's my two cents.

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