The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13. That's just a point above the lowest level ever recorded for this President. It's also the sixth straight day in negative double digits, matching the longest such streak (see trends).Gallup informs us of the historical perspective, which is, if anything, even worse:
Not much Hope but a whole lot of Change. ObamaCare plus stagnant unemployment plus dithering on Afghanistan makes for a magical brew indeed, my friends.
When you think about the last three months and how far his support on major issues has deteriorated, it's almost miraculous that he's above 50 percent.In fact, the 9-point drop in the most recent quarter is the largest Gallup has ever measured for an elected president between the second and third quarters of his term, dating back to 1953. One president who was not elected to his first term — Harry Truman — had a 13-point drop between his second and third quarters in office in 1945 and 1946…
More generally, Obama's 9-point slide between quarters ranks as one of the steepest for a president at any point in his first year in office. The highest is Truman's 19-point drop between his third and fourth quarters, followed by a 15-point drop for Gerald Ford between his first and second quarters. The largest for an elected president in his first year is Bill Clinton's 11-point slide between his first and second quarters.
What this really means, I think, is two things. First, that Obama and the Democrats successfully campaigned in 2008 on something they clearly are not. They made promises and speeches that they had no intention of following, but the American people believed them. Now that those intentions are being made clear by the Democrats' actions and policies, the American people are rejecting them.
Second, it proves that America is still a right-of-center nation. If a majority of this country wanted liberal Leftist policies, the poll ratings would be through the roof. Obama campaigned as a centrist, but is delivering the most radically Leftist administration in American history. If America wanted to lurch to the left, they'd be happy about what he's attempting to do.
This gives me hope for a rebound, though we still have to survive the next year or so first. In that time, the radical Leftist leadership of the country can do what it damn well pleases regardless of what the American people think...if it chooses politically suicidal ideology over self-preservation. But, if we can stall their agenda until the 2010 election, we'll be back in business setting this country back on track.
There's my two cents.
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