Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Small ObamaKennedyDeathCare Bill Needs Your Action Now!


Just in from Freedom Works VP for Policy Max Pappas:

"The Senate is going to vote cloture on S.1776 this afternoon around 2 pm.

Today's cloture vote is key–if they get this through, they will have come through in buying off the doctors and will keep lying about the overhaul reducing the deficit."

Here is the target list from Erick Erickson:

Here are the big targets today. I'll add to it as field reports come in from activists:

Bob Bennett (UT) at 202-224-5444

Richard Burr (NC) at 202-224-3154

Jon Kyl (AZ) at 202-224-4521

Tell each one to oppose cloture on S. 1776. Supporting cloture is an endorsement of the Democrats' strategy to pass Obamacare and will seriously increase the deficit.

We've talked about this, just days ago.  Part of the fuzzy math the Dems are doing on ObamaKennedyDeathCare that allows them to claim it doesn't add to the deficit is to split out a huge chunk of the cost into a completely separate bill.  This one.  However, don't be fooled: in reality, it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to split out costs.

This bill supposedly freezes the proposed cuts to Medicare payments to doctors that was in the big ObamaKennedyDeathCare deal, something that is essentially a buy-off of the American Medical Association.  But, even if this happens, it's only a 1-year freeze, and there is nothing preventing Congress from picking it back up next year, something the AMA would not like at all, but would be irrelevant one year from now, after the AMA's endorsement of ObamaKennedyDeathCare gives them political cover to take over the American health care system.

Even Democrats are uncomfortable with this shallow ploy, and five Democrat Senators have expressed concern that could halt the whole thing.  That's where your calls come in.  If one of the Senators above is your guy, call and tell him not to support cloture on S. 1776.  If your Senators are Democrats, call them, too.  This is definitely something where a flood of phone calls will have an effect, and the results could be profound.

Visit the RedState link for updates on who to target with your calls.

There's my two cents.

Related Reading
Obamacare secret negotiations: the fix is in
The $245 billion question

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